How do I get my border collie puppies ears to stand up?

I have a 3 month old border collie puppy. When I got him his ears pretty much stood up, no they are not. I would like them to stand up when he grows up, is there any way I can do to make sure they stand up?

    How do I get my border collie puppies ears to stand up?

    I have a 3 month old border collie puppy. When I got him his ears pretty much stood up, no they are not. I would like them to stand up when he grows up, is there any way I can do to make sure they stand up?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I get my border collie puppies ears to stand up?...

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    • How do I get my border collie puppies ears to stand up?

      How do I get my border collie puppies ears to stand up? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 3 month old border collie puppy. When I got him his ears pretty much stood up, no they are not. I would like them to stand up when he grows up, is there any way I can do to make sure they stand up?

      How do I get my border collie puppies ears to stand up?

      How do I get my border collie puppies ears to stand up? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Emma J: BCs do not get their ears cropped. Cropping is a surgery.I taped my BCs ears up when she was 7 weeks old (1 day shy of 8 weeks) . I took toilet paper rolls and taped to to the base or leather part of her ear to make them stand and taped they tips down to make them tip. Here's how they turned out-

    • My dog trainer told me that when I want my BC ears to stand up I have to grease them every day with butter and form them the way you want. They have 5 BC or something like that and visit dog shows with their I suppose she knows what she's talking about.