How can I teach my puppy border collie to fetch and bring back to me?

I just got a new border collie(i think purebred) and i want to teach her to fetch and bring back. I use a little ball to play. How can i function in her mind that when i throw it, she needs to bring it back to me? What she does now is i throw the frisbee…

    How can I teach my puppy border collie to fetch and bring back to me?

    I just got a new border collie(i think purebred) and i want to teach her to fetch and bring back. I use a little ball to play. How can i function in her mind that when i throw it, she needs to bring it back to me? What she does now is i throw the frisbee…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I teach my puppy border collie to fetch and bring back to me?...

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    • How can I teach my puppy border collie to fetch and bring back to me?

      How can I teach my puppy border collie to fetch and bring back to me? Dog Breed Discussions
      I just got a new border collie(i think purebred) and i want to teach her to fetch and bring back. I use a little ball to play. How can i function in her mind that when i throw it, she needs to bring it back to me? What she does now is i throw the frisbee and she gets it but i have to chase her for it. How can i get her to realize to bring it back to me?

      How can I teach my puppy border collie to fetch and bring back to me?

      How can I teach my puppy border collie to fetch and bring back to me? Dog Breed Discussions
    • this method is easy and amazing> is training the command 'bakwards', meaning beginning with the 'out' first..Just scroll down to 'Easy Retrieve'Manyy great raining tips for other tasks, as well..

    • Well, in her mind chasing is a fun game! First teach her to come to her name. Praise her every time she does. Once she learns that then you can throw the frisbee and she should come when you call her bringing the frisbee with her. Do NOT chase her. If she runs - game over. Ignore her and she will eventually bring you the frisbee. Once she realizes that you are going to throw it again every time she brings it she will bring it you every time. It worked for my border collie.

    • i have a border collie also(we think she is pure too) and we recently taught her to all depends on whether it is food motivated or not haha. the first thing to do is try to get her to learn "come". if she already can go and get the ball, this will be a lot simpler. throw the ball a short distance and when she picks it up show her the treat and give her the "come" command. it might take a while but once she gets it and if you continue, she'll may vary per dog but this is how i taught my 9 month old border collie......after you get her to bring it back keep trying longer distances until you get it right!hope this helps