what does it mean when there's a hole in your dogs sore?

my jack russel terrior has a sore on her stomach and we've tried everything we bought at least 5 cones and a lot of medicine even the one from the vet dign't work. I looked at it today and there was a hole in it. what does that mean? is it infected?

    what does it mean when there's a hole in your dogs sore?

    my jack russel terrior has a sore on her stomach and we've tried everything we bought at least 5 cones and a lot of medicine even the one from the vet dign't work. I looked at it today and there was a hole in it. what does that mean? is it infected?...
    General Dog Discussions : what does it mean when there's a hole in your dogs sore?...

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    • what does it mean when there's a hole in your dogs sore?

      what does it mean when there's a hole in your dogs sore? General Dog Discussions
      my jack russel terrior has a sore on her stomach and we've tried everything we bought at least 5 cones and a lot of medicine even the one from the vet dign't work. I looked at it today and there was a hole in it. what does that mean? is it infected?

      what does it mean when there's a hole in your dogs sore?

      what does it mean when there's a hole in your dogs sore? General Dog Discussions
    • My puppy got neutered and 8 days after he had a hole near the surgery area. what happened was he had an infection trying to escape, it maade a hole. now the hole is almost done healing. the pound that i got him from gave me a squirter and iodine to flush the infection away for three times a day. if it is what i think it is it might be what my dog had an abcess hole( its infected)

    • We can't see the sore, we are not vets and we cannot diagnose your dog over the Internet. You need to take your dog back to the vet, who is the only person who can help her, find out what the sore is, whether it's Infected and get it treated by the vet.

    • It means your dog needs to be treated by a vet. Take your dog to a vet. Do what they recommend. IF that does not work, LET THE VET KNOW. They are not physic, you need to speak up and let them know if a treatment works or not.