Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ?

I rescued a chihuahua mix from a shelter and i was going to take her to get her spayed on December but the neighbor's dog managed to make a hole and get in our backyard. I didn't even know she was in heat, she wasn't bleeding or anything and now she is…

    Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ?

    I rescued a chihuahua mix from a shelter and i was going to take her to get her spayed on December but the neighbor's dog managed to make a hole and get in our backyard. I didn't even know she was in heat, she wasn't bleeding or anything and now she is…...
    General Dog Discussions : Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ?...

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    • Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ?

      Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ? General Dog Discussions
      I rescued a chihuahua mix from a shelter and i was going to take her to get her spayed on December but the neighbor's dog managed to make a hole and get in our backyard. I didn't even know she was in heat, she wasn't bleeding or anything and now she is pregnant. I am 100% sure she is and now i don't know what to do. If she has the puppies she is going to suffer and her puppies will probably end up in a shelter or dead...that is terrible and now i feel extremely guilty. If I take her to have an abortion she is going to suffer too and Im going to kill those innocent little puppies!!!! and its all my fault!! i feel like the worse owner in the whole world!!!! pleeaseee what can i do???????what what what ????i just want to cry, my poor baby sophie is going to suffer because of me..... :(she mated with a miniature pinscher

      Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ?

      Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ? General Dog Discussions
    • If you can afford it, I would say you should go ahead and take her to the vet, and probably keep the puppies. The vet can estimate how many there are, and you can start looking for good homes now.If your dog is considerably smaller than your neighbor's dog, you should probably go ahead and get her spayed now, because having puppies that are too large for her could kill her. Go talk to your vet.

    • What's done is done. It happens. There are things you could have done to prevent it, but hindsight is 20/20. Personally, I would just go ahead and get her spayed now if she's not very far along in her pregnancy. There are so many puppies already who need homes. They may be innocent puppies, but it's better than them suffering once they're born. Or other dogs going unadopted because people adopted these puppies instead. This is why it's important to get a dog spayed/neutered as soon as possible. Dogs will do just about anything to procreate.

    • If she just was mated within the past 2 weeks, you will not be "aborting puppies" you will be removing a clump of cells no bigger than a dime. The dog will not suffer at all. She has no clue she is pregnant. She has no understanding or "need" to have offspring. She will heal from the spay surgery quickly. If you are really that concerned, call the vet and have them explain all of your options.

    • How big was the other dog? If it was much bigger you my not have a choice in the matter unless you want to risk her life.Even normal pregnancies have risks- it is a "natural" thing but plenty of animals die in nature. It can get dangerous and expensive FAST.It is a personal decision. I think it is better to worry about the one dog you took responsibility for, and to prevent these lives instead of adding to the overpopulation problem. It does need to be done ASAP since the longer you wait I think you have more risks, so try and think quickly.

    • It is your fault for waiting too long to have her spayed. Please take her to the vet's and have her aborted and spayed at the same time. It doesn't hurt them. If I were you, I'd feel more guilty bringing more unwanted pups into this world.

    • For one, most rescues don't adopt out dogs that aren't fixed. And why would you adopt an unfixed female if your neighbor has an unfixed male? Both you and the rescue were very irresponsible. Why will she suffer if she has puppies? Is she sick? Skinny? And if you grow up and learn some responsibility, you can take care of the puppies and find them good homes.

    • I'm confused as to why you are saying she will suffer....? Sophie was born from a Chihuahua so it's possible to carry puppies, how do you think Chihuahuas are born? And who gives dogs abortions? Is that even possible? You were responsible for getting her fixed, so now you and your neighbor are responsible for the puppies. I sould like a mom here, but you need to provide for your dog and the puppies, and when they are old enough (10 weeks) GIVE THEM AWAY TO GOOD HOMES FOR FREE! If you can't handle that responsibility - then you should just donate your dog to a no kill shelter. You do realize you are responsible because shelters usually fix your dog for FREE when you adopt them!!

    • Was your neighbor's dog larger than her? If so, carrying the puppies to term and delivering could kill her. Take her into your vet for an exam and evaluation and discuss your options with the vet. Puppies are expensive to raise, and there are so many in shelters already, as you've seen when you adopted yours. I would recommend a spay.abort for her welfare and to avoid adding to the many homeless dogs already in the world. It will not make her 'suffer'- the operation is the same as the normal spay.

    • its not an abortion, just go and get the surgery done and explain to the vet what happened, at least you were planing on getting her fixed, i hope you luck, and dont feel bad. it will all work out

    • Just get it done - things happen, no matter how careful we all are. If she tries to carry them to term, they'll all die, and not in an easy way - just get it over with, and she'll have a chance at a long and happy life as a pet. This is the part of rescue that people never think about - the 'time in between' when things go to hell in a handbasket, and you have to regroup. It isn't always fun, but many dogs have been spayed carrying puppies, and far better to get it over with before she pays with her life. You don't have any choice, really. Just grit your teeth and get it done, right away.

    • I don't agree with doggie abortion. Chi/Min Pins are adorable. If she has puppies, find good homes. If the puppies are going to strangers charge enough so that the puppy is an investment. This makes it more likely not to end up in a shelter, and keeps away the people who feed puppies to fighting dogs. If you don't want to keep the money, donate it to a dog shelter. Get her fixed as soon as the Vet says its OK. Good luck.

    • Okay. Most people say "Oh! You are a bad owner letting that happen!" but it was an accident. You can terminate the pregnancy by visiting your vet. You would be killing the puppies to let them live. If you take them to a shelter, nobody is going to adopt them, if you leave them in the streets, they will die. She has to have been impregnated within 2 weeks to abort or terminate the pregnancy. If she mated with a min-pin, she would not be in trouble. Even so, too many animals don't have homes and live in the streets. Terminate (or abort whatever you want to call it) the pregnancy. Accidents and complications DO happen. Many animals in NATURE die from childbirth. Cancel the pregnancy then get her spayed.

    • l really feel for you in this situation.If you do not know anything about rearing a litter sometimes the vet may help you but it will cost you.Re aborting the pups it is not as easy as you think and requires the vet to see how far o the pregnancy she is as to give you the pros and cons as what is possible.l can assure you that your female will not dies having pups except the risk you have is you do not know if Dad is a huge dog or a little one and here there may be complications.Ring a cet,make an appointment and he will give you the options so you will know where you stand The only way for him to know how many pups is performing an ultrasound and even these are not foolproof but for the love of your pet this is your choice so listen to his advice and explain the mistake and he will tell you what to do.. OK,just read it was a min pin so you have no probelms with her having realy huge pups