Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ?

I rescued a chihuahua mix from a shelter and i was going to take her to get her spayed on December but the neighbor's dog managed to make a hole and get in our backyard. I didn't even know she was in heat, she wasn't bleeding or anything and now she is…

    Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ?

    I rescued a chihuahua mix from a shelter and i was going to take her to get her spayed on December but the neighbor's dog managed to make a hole and get in our backyard. I didn't even know she was in heat, she wasn't bleeding or anything and now she is…...
    General Dog Discussions : Puppies or abortion? im in a though spot! ?...

    • seems we have a lot of pro-abortion people here.she would be completely fine if she had the puppies, you could give them away for free and trust me you would find homes so fast for a chihuahua mix, i dont understand why everyone is saying to have them aborted.yea yea yea i know im gonna get a million thumbs down for saying that, but whatever, i appreciate life more then other people.and btw, its not just a clump of cells, how would you feel if your mother thought the same way when she found out she was pregnant with you?

    • Why do you want to kill the puppies?give them a chance. You should have gottenyour dog fixed, or if you aren't mature enough totake care of the dog, maybe you shouldn't have gotten her.Giver her away and let her puppies be born.Dog abortions are risky and could kill your dog.

    • Take the dog to the vet and get her spayed as you planned. It is the right thing to do and the most humane considering all the unwanted dogs that already exist. Dogs are not human and spaying a dog while pregnant is not considered abortion and it happens a lot more than you may think.

    • it's really not your fault at all. If it were me, I would let her have the puppies because her hormones are kicking in and she is going to want to be a mother. And dogs aren't like humans, giving birth is not a painful and traumatic long experience as it is for humans. You can sell the puppies to good loving homes