dogs vomits sometimes in mornig after he eats?

my 10 yr old shepard mix seems to vomit only sometimes in the morning. i have only had him for 3 yrs i adopted him. i have never owned a shepard mix and he gets stressed very easily. i have been to the vet,emergancy vets to at times and they find nothing…

    dogs vomits sometimes in mornig after he eats?

    my 10 yr old shepard mix seems to vomit only sometimes in the morning. i have only had him for 3 yrs i adopted him. i have never owned a shepard mix and he gets stressed very easily. i have been to the vet,emergancy vets to at times and they find nothing…...
    General Dog Discussions : dogs vomits sometimes in mornig after he eats?...

    • dogs vomits sometimes in mornig after he eats?

      dogs vomits sometimes in mornig after he eats? General Dog Discussions
      my 10 yr old shepard mix seems to vomit only sometimes in the morning. i have only had him for 3 yrs i adopted him. i have never owned a shepard mix and he gets stressed very easily. i have been to the vet,emergancy vets to at times and they find nothing wrong. so can it be nerves thayt cause this? i feed him once in am then around 5. he never vomits when i feed him later. also he gets sardines around 12 am whn i get home from work to give him his thyroid pill. i have owned dogs before all from puppy stage and never had this much trouble. i love him to death but i am at my wits end at what to do.

      dogs vomits sometimes in mornig after he eats?

      dogs vomits sometimes in mornig after he eats? General Dog Discussions
    • Your dog sounds like he is eating his morning food too fast and I'm sure the sardines which are very salty and oily aren't helping at all. You need to get him to eat slower. A good method of doing this it to use a plastic ice tray. Fill up each hole with food. It will make him eat much slower. To get my dog to swallow is pills, my vet suggested chicken baby food. The kind for small babies that haves a pudding like texture to it. I will take a scoop of baby food onto my finger and he pretty much just swallows it, I take a second scoop on my finger and put the pill into it. He basically just swallows it. I've been doing this for over 2 months now and never once has he found the pill. The jars are very small and cost $1.03 at my grocery store but, they are good for 3 days. It really works.