What are the barking laws on border collies?

I live in Michigan and I just got a border collie puppy. Since he's still a puppy, he will wine and bark while we're still training him. I heard there is a law on border collies in Michigan that if someone complains on your border collie about barking,…

    What are the barking laws on border collies?

    I live in Michigan and I just got a border collie puppy. Since he's still a puppy, he will wine and bark while we're still training him. I heard there is a law on border collies in Michigan that if someone complains on your border collie about barking,…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are the barking laws on border collies?...

    • What are the barking laws on border collies?

      What are the barking laws on border collies? Dog Breed Discussions
      I live in Michigan and I just got a border collie puppy. Since he's still a puppy, he will wine and bark while we're still training him. I heard there is a law on border collies in Michigan that if someone complains on your border collie about barking, then you have to get the puppy's voice box removed. Is this true? Feel free to also add any other laws like this that you know about.. thank you!

      What are the barking laws on border collies?

      What are the barking laws on border collies? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There is likely not a breed-specific barking law. It's probably a noise bylaw or a barking by law that applies to all dogs. I think someone is having you on especially about the voice box removal part. You can easily look up dog barking laws or noise laws for your area. It's a good thing you're taking your puppy to obedience. It will cover barking as part of the training. Border collies are very smart and should be kept very busy all the time. They need a lot of exercise and a huge amount of mental stimulation or they can become very neurotic and/or destructive.

    • i am from the uk with a border collie pup. he used to bark a lot until we introduced him to agility training. he loves it and uses most of his energy and barking levels have went down. cant believe a country would be so inhumane by removing a voice box but u neva know in this weird world we live in

    • Your dog drinks wine; this could be part of the problem. Please listen to people who make asinine comments without any knowledge. Do not contact your city or animal control and ask for reliable information.

    • Okay, coming from a recent law school graduate and loud pet owner:That sounds like a really weird law. I would contact your city or county pet agency and found out the truth of the matter because there are weirder laws on the books. But....it just seems like a lot of effort to go through on one breed, and it seems like a lot of effort to go through to be cruel to an animal.Think of the effort in getting a law or bill passed--petitions, resolutions, and/or votes. Are border collies really such a nuisance dog in your area that they would be targeted in this way? It just doesn't make sense. But it could be a real law, so check.Also, I would contact the local law enforcement and find out what the law(s) is/are regarding barking dogs. They have to deal with this stuff every day and will be able to tell you off the top of their heads what a problem dog is and what isn't.Frankly, I think someone was trying to get you cranked up or upset.

    • As stated before " If that is a law in Michigan then move"I do not know the Laws in the US, In Australia it is very different.BC's are not generally Barkers, He is trying to get you attention, Keep up the OB, but also start with the dog sports, BC's need a Job to do, they will not entertain themselves,

    • I live in NJ..and just went to court about my sheltie barking and/or my collies...they have been debarked..so I brought the papers in...the judge didn't even know what debarking was..proved to them that it wasn't my dogs..cause a debarked dogs voice doesn't travel that far...voice box is not removed your dog would still bark...just softer...and you can still tell the difference if its a happy bark or someone is around that the dog doesn't know..debarking makes for better neighbors in a close house developement...