What is a strong toy for dogs?

I have a one and a half year old puppy that is a german shepherd abd beagle mix. I want an edible bone, other than a rawhide. He had used the Pedigree Jumbone and devoured it in about 30 minutes. He also used the Purina Busy bone and ate it in like 25…

    What is a strong toy for dogs?

    I have a one and a half year old puppy that is a german shepherd abd beagle mix. I want an edible bone, other than a rawhide. He had used the Pedigree Jumbone and devoured it in about 30 minutes. He also used the Purina Busy bone and ate it in like 25…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is a strong toy for dogs?...

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    • What is a strong toy for dogs?

      What is a strong toy for dogs? General Dog Discussions
      I have a one and a half year old puppy that is a german shepherd abd beagle mix. I want an edible bone, other than a rawhide. He had used the Pedigree Jumbone and devoured it in about 30 minutes. He also used the Purina Busy bone and ate it in like 25 minutes. I do not want him to head for the couch next, so please give me a suggestion!!!

      What is a strong toy for dogs?

      What is a strong toy for dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Kong toys are nearly indestructible- you can also hide a treat in them for extra fun. Nyla bones work well, as may a marrow bone from your grocery store.

    • Buy a large beef bone from the petstore. You can also get one of those huge beef shin bones. My shepherd got one for christmas and is still working on it! The good thing about hollow beef bones is that you can freeze cheese or peanut butter inside of it and that will keep them busy for a long time getting that out. Most edible bones don't last very long with a big chewer so beef bones often do the trick. I sometimes buy beef soup bones from the grocery store and give them to my dogs raw. They really like those.

    • we have a this bone for our 8 month golden retreiver that chews everything quick like your dog.i dont know the brand, but they got it at petco.its a big white bone, and it cost 20 dollars and she still hasent been able to eat it.or you can try those big meaty bones, like a cows bone thats huge, its hard for them to devour those too

    • i have the same issue with our dog. he's gone through all types of "aggressive chew" toys. I've returned alot of toys back to our local pet store with in minutes of purchase. he's either chewed a hole or chunks off of the toyswhat ive found that works but should not be given all the time are those knuckle bones. i've talked to our vet and he said that constant chewing on these knuclkes will grind the dog's teeth down. scraping bone on bone will eventually dull it down to nothing.i've gotten bully sticks and stuck them in kongs. take a bunch and jam them into the kong toys. it'll look like a dumb bell when done.have you tried the busy cubes, the round stuff treat ball, and the purple toys ( i cant remember the name right now). good luck to ya.

    • I have used the Nyla bones alot and they last my dog a very long time. She also loves them, she will sit there and chew on it for hours. I have used kong toys also, they seem to work but my dog is so occupied with her Nyla bones that she doesn't care about toys all that much! lol

    • Hi! Yes i agree a Kong toy is your best bet the edible bones are not strong enough for my dogs either I also throw out a couple rope toys and let them go to town on those you can get them with bones on them nothing last too long but I always have a stash of toys for when one starts getting too chewed..Good Luck!