What activities to do with my border collie dog?

Im having a thirteen week old border collie tomorrow, I know that they are highly demanding dogs and that you need to keep them busy or they will pretty much destroy all your possessions. What sort of activities could I do with her in and outside the…

    What activities to do with my border collie dog?

    Im having a thirteen week old border collie tomorrow, I know that they are highly demanding dogs and that you need to keep them busy or they will pretty much destroy all your possessions. What sort of activities could I do with her in and outside the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What activities to do with my border collie dog?...

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    • What activities to do with my border collie dog?

      What activities to do with my border collie dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      Im having a thirteen week old border collie tomorrow, I know that they are highly demanding dogs and that you need to keep them busy or they will pretty much destroy all your possessions. What sort of activities could I do with her in and outside the home.I have a few ideas, just want to have a few of yours

      What activities to do with my border collie dog?

      What activities to do with my border collie dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Buy a lot of chew toys and balls. Teach him/her to play fetch. And when he/she gets older, introduce a Frisbee into the picture. They love to run, chase and catch. Good luck to you!!

    • Border Collies are the highly intelligent, as they are #1 on the top smartest dogs. You can teach him tricks, especially early because it makes it more easy, play frisbee, do activities that you'd do with any other breed! they're dogs haha :)

    • Three thoughts come to my mind:1) If he/she plays fetch. Our dog park always has plenty of ball throwers that make it easy to exercise those dogs without wearing our your arm. A tennis racket can work too.2) Get some rollerblades and let him/her pull you around for a nice run.3) Agility Competition. Border collies are great for this. You may have a club for this locally. They run through an obstacle course and back, being time for quickness.Even a leash-less dog park visit is good, because he/she can run around with other dogs and play.We typically have a second dog that is intended as a companion and the two of them can run, play, and wrestle without wearing us out. Fun to watch too!Good luck and have fun.

    • Outside : Fetch, Flyball, Treiball, Agility, Gardening (teach him to dig on command), Herding (hard if you have no sheep, but I live in the city and she likes to herd big plastic laundry baskets or basketballs). Biking, Rollerblading, Swimming, Going to see other dogs at the park, Hide and seek, helping keeping up the house (bring gardening tools, rake,get the mail/newspaper ....Inside: Trick Training: Hide and Seek, Find the toy/treat, Put toys away in a box, Bring stuff: slippers, telephone when it rings... Close cabinet doors, clean up paw prints with towel, help around the house...Fetch up and down stairs (good to get rid of built up energy), memory games , Tug of war :-).... and my favorite: Doggy Freestyle (Dog Dancing)! :)