My 10lb Dog was impregnated by a 150ld dog... can she live through the birth?

I didn't think it would be possible when my little doggy went into her first heat; and my house mate's 150 Rhodesian Ridgeback was lusting over her, that he could possibly get her pregnant. I mean, he's huge and she is tiny. Anyhow, I am sure she is…

    My 10lb Dog was impregnated by a 150ld dog... can she live through the birth?

    I didn't think it would be possible when my little doggy went into her first heat; and my house mate's 150 Rhodesian Ridgeback was lusting over her, that he could possibly get her pregnant. I mean, he's huge and she is tiny. Anyhow, I am sure she is…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 10lb Dog was impregnated by a 150ld dog... can she live through the birth?...

    • My 10lb Dog was impregnated by a 150ld dog... can she live through the birth?

      My 10lb Dog was impregnated by a 150ld dog... can she live through the birth? General Dog Discussions
      I didn't think it would be possible when my little doggy went into her first heat; and my house mate's 150 Rhodesian Ridgeback was lusting over her, that he could possibly get her pregnant. I mean, he's huge and she is tiny. Anyhow, I am sure she is pregnant and I am worried sick. I have a vet appointment on Sunday to have her examined, but in the meanwhile, I thought I would come to this knowledgeable community and see what the experts have to say. Will she live through the pregnancy, and the birth of the puppies? Is she too young to have to endure this? My first priority is her life and I want her to have a stress free puppy hood. She is not a pure chihuahua. She is most likely a Chihuahua mixed with an Italian Greyhound.I'm not a 10-year-old. I seriously just wanted to get some idea of what is going to happen for my puppy. I would never have let her near my house mate's dog if I'd have known this could happen. I am very worried about my puppy. I will have the vet care for her immediately, like I said, I have an appointment on Sunday and a spay scheduled.I don't know if the Ridge Back is mixed with something else but he is Red colored and has a ridge down his back. I have never seen a Ridge Back as big as him. I am sorry this is so hard to believe, I can barely believe it myself and as I read the answers to the the question I asked.. I am queasy thinking about what is going to happen next. I think all of you who are making fun of me and my question obviously have some cynicism to confront yourselves with. I was trying google to get some answers but thought this forum would provide me with some insight. I am surprised by the top contributors making fun of me and my situation. This really sucks to go through and I hope none of you have to deal with a situation like this.she is maybe only 2-weeks or 3-weeks pregnant. I just noticed that her belly wasn't as flat as usual. I will have the puppies taken out and have her fixed on Sunday, whatever it takes... I just had no idea.

      My 10lb Dog was impregnated by a 150ld dog... can she live through the birth?

      My 10lb Dog was impregnated by a 150ld dog... can she live through the birth? General Dog Discussions
    • Are you serious? Your dog could DIE. In fact, it seems IMPOSSIBLE for the pups to deliver safely with a 150 dog. You're not responsible for even suggesting her to have puppies with this male; if you WERE responsible, you'd or your parents would have suggested to get her spayed.Again, another 10 year old troll. Go trolling somewhere else, or go play with your dolls. This can't actually be true. You expect us to believe this?

    • I'm sure your vet will tell you that she will have to have a c section (if she is pregnant). Make sure you tell the vet the size of the father. You didn't mention the age of your dog but hopefully she is over 2 years of age. If she is a pup herself (not yet a year), and she is pregnant, have the pups aborted and get your dog spayed to prevent any more of these "accidents". Also advise your house mate to neuter his dog.

    • Very creative for a new account and a first question.As a dog expert of the community I strongly urge you to take her to THE expert in reproduction matters, Dr. Juan Trolldez at the Clinico Del Troll.He has offices nationwide. Check your yellow pages to see if there is one near you. They usually locate the offices under the bridge near the center of town.

    • No. I am very sorry, but tiny dogs like that have problems sometimes giving birth to their own breed. So very terribly sorry for the loss you may or may not have. It'll be to hard on her, you honeslty cant believe a tiny dog like that will make it. I am so very sorry. My prayers go out to you and your baby. God Bless, so sorry, take care. The out come is not a positive one. ;( ;( :'(You never mentioned how old or how far along in the pregnancy she is. The really sad thing is that for this, 2-6 puppies and maybe she is going to die, let this be lesson for the future.

    • Omg poor lil puppy.. She will not live through the birth I had a small puppy like that n she got pregnant with a dog a lil bit bigger than her and I took her to the vet. N they said she had 4 puppies and if they didn't get the puppies out. She stomach was going to burst.. N we had to take them out.. It was sad..

    • If this is true, you take her to the vet and get her spayed immediately. It's extremely unlikely she could deliver the pups naturally IF she can even safely carry them. I'm having a pretty hard time believing this though since a breeding between these sizes would be pretty difficult without injuring the female. And the hardest part to believe is your neighbor has a 150 lb Rhodesian ridgeback. I'd have to see that one to believe it. Top of the standard for a male is 85 lbs and this dog is supposedly nearly twice that? Way too hard to believe unless he's the fattest ridgeback ever.

    • no i dont think letting her have those babies is a good idea, chihuahua's have a hard enough time pushing out chihuahua puppies, these babies are gonna be huge. I would get her spayed as soon as possible. Besides theres enough homeless dogs in the world 1 less litter is a good thing.

    • I've seen a mastiff, which was about one hundred fifty pounds, breed with a shih tzu, which was about twenty pounds. The shih tzu was the female, and she delivered three healthy puppies. Such a happy ending is not always the case with this type of situation. The puppies could actually grow so large in the uterus, that it could rupture other organs in the female's abdomen. If the puppies don't kill the mother during pregnancy, then they will more than likely kill her while she is delivering by getting stuck in the birth canal. You should definitely take your female to the vet and get their opinion. Your only option may be to abort the puppies and spay your female. Good luck to you and your little girl :)

    • she will not be able to even carry to full term. Those puppies will be far TOO BIG for her to even CARRY! She will die long before she gets far enough to worry about whelping!Your best bet is to schedule a spay ASAP.