MY dog went into heat and my other dog is male?

Im a vet tech assistant but i never had to ask when a dog was sexually mature.We've also had income problems so he havent gotten my male dog fixed, we wont for our female since she is about 8 years old and she hates dogs.but she went into heat today and…

    MY dog went into heat and my other dog is male?

    Im a vet tech assistant but i never had to ask when a dog was sexually mature.We've also had income problems so he havent gotten my male dog fixed, we wont for our female since she is about 8 years old and she hates dogs.but she went into heat today and…...
    General Dog Discussions : MY dog went into heat and my other dog is male?...

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    • MY dog went into heat and my other dog is male?

      MY dog went into heat and my other dog is male? General Dog Discussions
      Im a vet tech assistant but i never had to ask when a dog was sexually mature.We've also had income problems so he havent gotten my male dog fixed, we wont for our female since she is about 8 years old and she hates dogs.but she went into heat today and is doing the typical signs and my puppy is wondering why she is acting like that. He's too young right? or do i have to separate them? i dont believe in backyard puppies. Im a shelter volunteer so i dont approve of breeding unless its registered when do males become sexually mature?Im sorry i forgot to mention he is 5 months. i REPEAT i DONT want puppies! both my dogs are mutts i didnt BUY tech assistant, not a vet tech.i just do the rememedial things like shots and cleaning and general check ups. I help with anethesia, but the vet techs know more than me rather than DO more work.also i havent gone in this week because im sick. :C and were not allowed the near should only breed if you have a liscense TO breed. i dont know how many purebred BYB ive seen in my day but its annoying, your lab/poodle has fucking dysplasia! no you shouldnt breed it.i KNOW i need to neuter my dogs, but i dont have the money right now. I can do it in another month and i dont want her having puppies. Shes 8 years old, i have enough sense to know that she is too old and puppies would be traumatic. I love my dogs but i never has to ask about sexual maturity it just never came dogs came as box puppies (brought into shelter) so we can grab them and go. I got to take them so no one else would.but Im trying to pay for their stuff i really am. we get box puppies and kittens ALL THE TIME.@Bells: you obviously cant read can you? I said that BYB even with purebred dogs shouldnt breed. I only believe in breeding champion dogs that are healthy. Not a purebred with a shitload of puppymill traits or hip/eye/joint problems.

      MY dog went into heat and my other dog is male?

      MY dog went into heat and my other dog is male? General Dog Discussions
    • Right- how old is the puppy? 8 weeks old? Too young to mate. 5 months old?- quite possibly young enough. If he's anything near 4 months old or older--- you better keep them separated at all times.add: A license does not signify a good breeder. Most puppy mills operators are USDA licensed. Anyway, if you work for a veterinarian, do they not allow payment plans and offer discounts to employees for their pets? It would be worth asking about getting your dogs spayed/neutered-- at least one of them anyway. Most vets will offer something like that as a courtesy or benefit to employees.

    • assistant? glad you dont work at my vet's office...I would hope people there would be more knowledgeableand by the way...there is PLENTY of AKC registered CRAP being bred. Having a piece of paper DOES NOT make the dog worth breeding...just a smidge more goes into that decision

    • If they came from shelters they would HAVE to be fixed, so I don't believe you.BELLS- You seem to make yourself look like an idiot. Not once did she say she wanted to breed...

    • How old is your pup?I would think after 5 months there's enough of a chance that you should seperate them. Especially with her being 8, you don't want her in danger.

    • Average age to reach sexual maturity for male dogs is 5 months. Keep them separated. Also, just because your female dog doesn't like other dogs does not mean she wouldn't be receptive to males when she is in heat. Hormones can significantly alter normal behavior.

    • Yes he can get the job done. People have way to many oops!!! litters cause they thought the male was to young. I know of a person that had a mega oops! when they put a 5 month old puppy in with his mother during her next heat cycle after his litter cause they thought he was to young... WRONG!!!

    • Yes, he's potentially fertile at 5 months. So, you'll need to keep them separated. The "two doors" rule needs to be observed until she's no longer in heat (anywhere from 2-4 weeks). That means two closed solid doors between them at all times.

    • Dogs can become sexually mature at between 6 months and a year. Sooner for smaller breeds, later for larger breeds.He is probably too young right now, so you`ll be ok until your female`s next heat. Have his testes descended yet? Have they grown to adult size or are they still small and undeveloped?Has your male started to lift his leg when he pees yet? or does he still squat? When he starts raising his leg and his testes grow larger, you`ll know hes coming into puberty. It`ll be withing the next few months.

    • Your a vet tech and you don't know about when a dog becames sexual mature. Male dogs usual reach it about 6 months . Before you got him you should have been responsible and had the bitch spayed. hen he is 6 months get him done and after this season wait the usaul 3 months and get her done as well. You as a vet tech should know the importants of getting are dogs neutered not only to stop puppies by also to prevent deadly health problems.

    • Well becareful because when they go into heat they pee everywhere as for the other dog well he will get humped and maybe even mad so watch them and make sure the one in heat does not get hurt also they tend to take off if and when they have the change and your not looking sometimes they dont come back

    • You failed to mention how old your male puppy is. Call some pet assistance group in your area, for financial assistance, and get the puppy neutered. Why did you get another dog, especially a male, know ing you have a female dog already? If you didn't get your female dog spayed long ago, instead of adding another dog to the mix, what were you thinking?Your female dog is probably not too old to get spayed either. Your vet will have to examine her to see about her general health to responsibly answer that question.If you say that you are a shelter volunteer, you knew better than not have your female spayed, and knew better than add a male dog to your pets, since your female isn't spayed.Talk to the shelter people, and see if they might help you get this situation corrected, as in YESTERDAY! In the meantime, separate your dogs. If you puppy is anywhere near old enough to breed, he will likely get to her, no matter where you put them.I'm getting very upset just trying to respond to your query. Call you shelter NOW, and see it they will help you get both of your dogs fixed, male first, and the female as soon as she is out of heat.

    • Yes you should keep them separate. At 5 months he is old enough to impregnate her. At her age this can be dangerous to her health. Make sure they are not together at all until she is done. If need be see if someone can watch/babysit one of them to be extra sure or see if the clinic you work for can bored one. People seriously this site is supposed to be about helping people and their pets. Not about ripping them a new one for asking a question. I understand getting frustrated with people who are clearly neglecting their animal or people purposely breeding but the best way to help people learn is to answer respectfully.

    • You are either lying about being a vet tech or youre a really horrible vet tech. At any rate, you don't say how old your male is....kind of an important piece of info to leave out while asking if your male is old enough to breed. It matters not wheather your female hates dogs or not, she should be spayed for heath purposes..Right" Vet Tech"??Also she gets along with at least one dog or you wouldn't have asked about separating them. You could have your male neutered at any time regardless of if you have money because you work for a veterinarian... and when you work for one there are perks to the job such as discounts and payment plans...Right "Vet Tech"My guess is that you are a troll.

    • She's not too old to spay - you being a vet tech should know you can still do this. And your male puppy can be mature enough to breed her when in heat - so keep them separated completely. And neuter him when he's 6-9 months old.If you are a vet tech I find it hard to believe you don't have the money to spay/neuter.