Pregnant dog question ?

My Chihuahua-daschund impregnated my daschund. I rescued her when she was 2, have had her a little over a year and she can be very shy. Was neglected and at the time we got her only have our 2other females dogs I've had since puppies who are fixed. I…

    Pregnant dog question ?

    My Chihuahua-daschund impregnated my daschund. I rescued her when she was 2, have had her a little over a year and she can be very shy. Was neglected and at the time we got her only have our 2other females dogs I've had since puppies who are fixed. I…...
    General Dog Discussions : Pregnant dog question ?...

    • Pregnant dog question ?

      Pregnant dog question ? General Dog Discussions
      My Chihuahua-daschund impregnated my daschund. I rescued her when she was 2, have had her a little over a year and she can be very shy. Was neglected and at the time we got her only have our 2other females dogs I've had since puppies who are fixed. I never had a male dog until now and when he started acting interested in her (they days leading up to them breeding), he was only about 8 months old and I separated them on a daily basis. One of the days I was not able to supervise them; he was in the bedroom and she was in the main part of the house and he chewed a hole through the door and tore up the carpet to get to her. He is fixed now but that day my boyfriend and I came home to them "stuck" together and now it is 2 weeks and 2 days until she is due to give birth, she's filling out significantly can hear her bearing under the bed at night (she always slept under there when not in the bed with us and would'dig' into the carpet before settling down). She also loves to hid/lie in the corner of our bathroom. My main concern is she is constantly breathing heavily, almost labored, grunting, sometimes wheezing, groaning. Even when I hold her and try to settle her into sleep she seems so restless and uncomfortable, won't calm down, and her breathing is starting to concern me. She's not having trouble breathing but I don't know if it is normal for her to breath this hard this far away from her due date. I just noticed a major change the past couple days (she's more noticeably filled out the past couple days as well). Also my 2 female dogs are some times snappy with her. One will growl in her face until she submits, did this early in her pregnancy too; it was the first sign I took to think she was pregnant before she showed any significant signs of pregnancy. Is this normal? Is this a sign she may deliver early. Other considerations: she is about out 3.5 years old, it is her first litter, and my male that bred her is probably about 3lbs lighter than she isI'm actually one of the most responsible pet owners there is. I work with animals professionally. Animals are my LIFE. I can't imagine doing anything else with my time. I never said that she has not been been seen by a vet, she has been seen by a vet twice since being impregnated. This was an accidental breeding. I had no idea my puppy would get to her. I fixed him right away afterward (he was on a waiting list to get fixed BEFORE she went into heat the time that they bred and I nearly begged the hospital to move my appointment up to fix him, which they were able to). You're entitled to your opinion. I'm not asking for judgement though, but advise. It's too late now to do anything but sit up and worry and monitor her until I can get her in to be seen in the morning. It's not a constant breathing but has been getting gradually more noticeable. That's why I started the question. Because the past hour it's been heavy on and offHe chewed through the door to get to her. I didn't know they would breed, he was set up to be fixed once he was old enough after 6 months, several weeks before she went into heat . Anyway, I am getting her fixed after the puppies, I don't think you understand just how extremely emotionally affected she was by her neglect/abuse. It took her a long time to trust people and adjust to her environment. One of my close friends shelters dogs to adopt out to help the animal shelter through the vet clinic she works at and one of the dogs she couldn't adopt out she kept and has had over 3 years and she still will barely let her near her and no other humans are able to come close even still. My vet originally recommended *not* to get her spayed right away because it would just add more stress and trust issues. Like I've said at the time I only had 2 other females that are spayed and my newest puppy I had the appointment to get spayed at the minimum age they recommended. Also, I k

      Pregnant dog question ?

      Pregnant dog question ? General Dog Discussions
    • She may be having complications with the puppies OR has developed a pyometra (infection of the uterus) which can be fatal, I would have her checked out by a vet at this point, given the abnormal breathing patterns. She should have been checked by a vet already and honestly I do have to say that in my opinion (which I am entitled to have) it's irresponsible of you to A) Keep getting/having more dogs without spaying/neutering the ones you have first and B) Letting this abnormal breathing issue go for 2 days! She is obviously uncomfortable, please be a responsible pet parent and book a vet appointment asap...then get her spayed asap post-puppies.EDIT: I'm sorry but YOU are the one who said that you rescued your female intact dog and then didn't spay her for over 1 year, and got or had an 8 month old male puppy in the house knowing she was i still don't feel that bad for you...I feel bad for her though.

    • If I were you I would call the University of PA's emergency veterinary office of Cornell's. I have called with late night questions before and they are extremely helpful. I have to add that you obviously did know he would breed her or you wouldn't have been keeping them apart. I have worked in dog rescue for years and though your intentions were good you were irresponsible in this case. She should have been spayed when you got her and if she wasn't you should have had an emergency spay done after you knew she was bred. Its impossible to explain to the dogs in shelters that they have to die because the families that would have adopted them instead bought puppies from you. Its too late to change anything now though and you obviously care very much about her so please call either UPenn or Cornell, like I said they are extremely helpful and will let you know if you need to get her to an E vet tonight.

    • First of all, in my book there is NEVER an excuse for an unplanned mating. We kept entire males and females in our small show/breeding kennel (which wasn't a 'kennel' in terms of they all lived in) and we had NO unplanned matings, in decades. So that's no excuse for what has happened here. Particularly as you now have a litter of mix-bred puppies on the way.Still what's done is done, and you didn't do the responsible thing and get her in for an emergency spay. Yes, she will huff and puff towards the end of her pregnancy which is the point when, every time, I'd look at those bitches I had mated and say why have I done this to you! She's bound to be 'uncomfortable' even if just from having to carry around the extra load. Hopefully she'll not produce early - premature puppies rarely survive. But if she's being picked on by your other two b itches set up a place for her (I recommend you have her whelping box ready, and her sleeping in there now) so this can't happen. If she gets into an actual fight with them, she could lose the puppies.All I can say now is when she gets to the week before she's due, set up a bed alongside her whelping box so you can sleep there. When she goes into labour call the vet to let them know things have started, in case she needs a C.Section. Don't let her have strong contractions, pushing hard, for much over 1 hour without seeing a puppy delivered - each delivery. If she has one that's stuck, there's no point leaving her to become exhausted, especially if she's going to need a Section. And lastly, keep ALL the other dogs you have completely away from where she is with her litter. If you don't, you could have a blood-bath on your hands, and she could even turn on her puppies in a misguided attempt to protect them. She must be somewhere quiet so she can get on with nursing her litter, in peace. Dad's job was done the moment the mating ended. And those 2 bitches could kill to get at the puppies.Add - Re the possibility of this being a pyometra. I don't think this is happening!!! If she has a nasty discharge then of course get her looked at by your vet. Otherwise anybody who has been around a pregnant b itch, or been pregnant themselves should know that carrying a load towards the end of a pregnancy is BOUND to be uncomfortable and cause a degree of huffing and puffing. If she has a lot of puppies, all her other organs will be compromised by the space taken up by these puppies. And incidentally, you might start feeding her several small meals now because there will be less room in her stomach! And cut out a lot of the 'bulk' in her food now.