What are the odds my Dog is Pregnant?

We have a 5 year old Toy Shihtzu. This past week she dug her way under our fence and into the neighbors yard where they have the classic "Horn Dog" Jack Russell Terrier. Our dog was never fixed due to us one day wanting to breed her with another pure…

    What are the odds my Dog is Pregnant?

    We have a 5 year old Toy Shihtzu. This past week she dug her way under our fence and into the neighbors yard where they have the classic "Horn Dog" Jack Russell Terrier. Our dog was never fixed due to us one day wanting to breed her with another pure…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are the odds my Dog is Pregnant?...

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    • What are the odds my Dog is Pregnant?

      What are the odds my Dog is Pregnant? General Dog Discussions
      We have a 5 year old Toy Shihtzu. This past week she dug her way under our fence and into the neighbors yard where they have the classic "Horn Dog" Jack Russell Terrier. Our dog was never fixed due to us one day wanting to breed her with another pure bread Toy Shihtzu and their dog is definitely not fixed.The neighbor said she let her dog out, went back in the house to change over some laundry and when she came back out "he" (the Jack Russell Terrier) was on top of our Female Shihtzu. The neighbor said they were NOT locked but who knows...I need some help here so we can know what to do. We really are not prepared to have little puppies running around, we already have 2 kids under 2 , 2 dogs a cat and a mortgage.....The last thing we need is more stress in our lives..What can i expect? Was a few moments of fun enough to impregnate our dog? Do I need to take our dog to the Vet? Do I need to go have a long talk with that boy's (Jack Russell Terrier) father.....Thanks--Any advice will be greatly appreciated..Tony-she weighs about 4 pounds....so if she isnt a toy im not sure what she is then casue she is little and yes, she is definitely a shih tzu

      What are the odds my Dog is Pregnant?

      What are the odds my Dog is Pregnant? General Dog Discussions

    • She very well may be pregnant you can take her to the Vet and ask if it may be too early to tell. You have the option of "aborting" the pregnancy just talk to the Vet about it.

    • Easiest answer is to take your dog to the vet now & have her spayed.There are no "toy" shih -tzus & a small dog is a much higher risk for pregnancy complications & your dog is almost too old. Unless you plan on spending plenty of money at vet, take care of the problem now for a much smaller price.There are millions of dogs put down every year in the US & we don't need any more.

    • Was your dog in season?You know how they say for humans it takes only once for a woman to get pregnant, well same applies to dogs. If it is the right time for her to get pregnant then she will.You should take your dog to the vet to get her seen to and any resulting pregnancy terminated. Your dog went next door. It was down to you to keep your dog away from next door. Your neighbour has done nothing wrong. You can't even sue them or take them to court. Well looks like since you want to breed you might now have puppies. Hope you find good homes for them.

    • If there was no tie, then there's a very small chance she could be pregnant, but I'd be willing to bet money that she's not. The more important issue here is that your dog is already too old to whelp her first litter. No dog should be bred for the first time past the age of 3.

    • Get her to the vet soon. It will cost you a vet bill, but that will not be as bad as trying to find homes for mixed breed puppies. He can clean up her mistake and make life a little better for you. Don't blame the male, he was just doing his assigned job. Fix the hole under the fence and keep her on supervised exercise during her future heats.

    • Your dog could only be pregnant if she was currently in heat. (Meaning she had been bleeding out of her vagina, it's swollen, and she is standing still with her tail moved to the side at anything that comes within ten feet.) If she was in heat, they would have to "tie" which means he was inside her, ejaculated, and now they are stuck together until he calms down and can pull away. If she wasn't in heat, even if he did tie with her, nothing would happen. There's no eggs in place to turn into puppies.Sorry if that was too graphic, just trying to be clear.

    • Well, first off, 5yr old is too old to even think about breeding your dog. Secondly, there is no such thing as a toy Shih Tzu, there just isn't. Thirdly it's your fault that your dog could be preggo, because you didn't get her spayed like a responsible owner. There are many things that you would've had to do to even breed your dog in the first place, like: health screens, temperament testing, AKC/UKC registration, and many other things. You should have spayed her earlier, but now I think would be a good time to do it. You can't breed a dog for the first time when they are so old and you have all these other responsibilities (cats, mortgage, very young kids) you might as well make your life and your dogs easier buy spaying her.

    • you really would be best having an emergency spay,she could have to have a C-section,and you would be stuck with 3000$ in vet bills,and if she dies your stuck with puppies to raise,honestly youd be best getting her spayed,there is no need to breed her ever,they dont gain anything,it just adds stress,and there are already enough puppies needing homes.

    • She might be pregnant, she might not be.Be a responsible pet owner and spay your pet. If you can't deal with the consequences of puppies then don't get a dog, or spay/neuter him/her.Why are you going to yell at the neighbor? Your dog came into their yard. If anything, you are the owner that is in the wrong here.