If a small female dog gets pregnant by a large male dog will it hurt female dog or even her puppies?

i have a small mutt female dog and a large male pit and now we think she is pregnant and we r worried about the female getting hurt when she goes into labor.well yall might have misunderstood me my small dog is about knee high and she is a pit mix but…

    If a small female dog gets pregnant by a large male dog will it hurt female dog or even her puppies?

    i have a small mutt female dog and a large male pit and now we think she is pregnant and we r worried about the female getting hurt when she goes into labor.well yall might have misunderstood me my small dog is about knee high and she is a pit mix but…...
    General Dog Discussions : If a small female dog gets pregnant by a large male dog will it hurt female dog or even her puppies?...

    • If a small female dog gets pregnant by a large male dog will it hurt female dog or even her puppies?

      If a small female dog gets pregnant by a large male dog will it hurt female dog or even her puppies? General Dog Discussions
      i have a small mutt female dog and a large male pit and now we think she is pregnant and we r worried about the female getting hurt when she goes into labor.well yall might have misunderstood me my small dog is about knee high and she is a pit mix but never got big she is over a year old so i guess u could just call her a midget she so she is not as small as yall were thinking but she is just small for a pit.Yea i no that, but it was not planned she got out one day and got into the neighbors yard and we found them mating i tried my best to keep her away from any other dogs but mistakes happen and i feel so bad and scared im takin her to a vet on monday!

      If a small female dog gets pregnant by a large male dog will it hurt female dog or even her puppies?

      If a small female dog gets pregnant by a large male dog will it hurt female dog or even her puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • You may have to pay a veterinarian to surgically deliver the puppies. Not spaying your female dog could turn out to be a very costly mistake! Why not see if you can get her spayed NOW? It would save you all a lot of pain, trouble and money.

    • If this is the case, the puppies may kill her.Unless they can do some operation when having the pups. Please PLEASE get your female spayed, now you know why people say this. It is hard to tell. Pits aren't as big as Great Danes so that's a relief but she could still be in danger.Please go to your vets to find out if she IS pregnant. After you have done this, move on from there.

    • Small dogs are always at risk for pregnancy complications, even purebreds bred on purpose with other purebreds. Some require extensive medical care and c-sections to ensure the survival of the mother and pups.Female dogs do release a hormone that restricts the size of the puppies to the size of the mother (so if lightening struck and a great dane managed to impregnate a chihuahua the chihuahua would not explode from puppy growth.) However, that does not mean that the pups would be able to clear her pelvis during a natural birth, and may result in a prolonged labor, and/or gloved puppies or other complications.A vet could recommend proper prenatal care (and she will need it) or may recommend performing a spay/abort procedure if the mother's health is at risk.

    • You didn't really expect nice answers to this question, did you? You MUST be responsible when you care for other animals. Letting mutts breed can be harmful in many ways and if you're not financially capable of caring for the new litter, you should have seperated them when you knew she was in heat.Some vets do ultrasounds to check the size of pups. Some even do emergency spay if the pups grow too big for the dam to pass. You really need to get her spayed. If your male doesn't get her next time, someone else's dog can.

    • OMG, you've got to be so careful with what breeds of dogs mate with each other. There's a chance that the puppies are going to be too big for the mother to carry, and the pups and the mother will all die, as the pups will squash the mother's organs!

    • doesn't matter, the pups could kill her or (hopefully) do damage (i say hopefully because you obviously would opt for the latter of the two possible events). Yes mistakes happen, however, THIS WAS JUST PLAIN STUPID, THERE ARE MEASURES TO PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING SUCH AS SPAYING. Please please do not use the but it costs money thing, b/c the cost of a spay is eclipsed by the cost of puppies and a possible c-section.