Is my dog pregnant? Help!?

My dog,3 years has been a lot more lazy lately and just sitting around. We have an un fixed 6 month old puppy male, is that possible? And if she gets preggo at the beginning of heat will she stop being in heat? Because I didn't notice her being in heat.…

    Is my dog pregnant? Help!?

    My dog,3 years has been a lot more lazy lately and just sitting around. We have an un fixed 6 month old puppy male, is that possible? And if she gets preggo at the beginning of heat will she stop being in heat? Because I didn't notice her being in heat.…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is my dog pregnant? Help!?...

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    • Is my dog pregnant? Help!?

      Is my dog pregnant? Help!? General Dog Discussions
      My dog,3 years has been a lot more lazy lately and just sitting around. We have an un fixed 6 month old puppy male, is that possible? And if she gets preggo at the beginning of heat will she stop being in heat? Because I didn't notice her being in heat. Usually she is active and needy, now she just sits on the bed all day. She is a jack Russell, so it's not heart problems or anything.Seriously don't lecture me about getting your dogs spayed. IDGAF. We did not breed them on purpose he sonly six months and we will fix him soon, I got pissed because I was not asking if my dogs should be fixed I was asking if she is pregnant. Also, I do not think that jack russells are not susceptible, but she is only 3, and shows no signs of it. AND it's notlike the boy is a golden retriever, he is also a jack Russell. They are both purebred jack russells. I wasn't asking for advice on trying to breed dogs, or on getting dogs neutered. Also what is so wrong with letting dogs reproduce? It's not like we'd send the puppies to a shelter. We would give them to a farm, friends, and family, and probably kee a few. The only thing I asked was if she was pregnant.

      Is my dog pregnant? Help!?

      Is my dog pregnant? Help!? General Dog Discussions
    • Your dogs need to be spayed and neutered. With an unfixed pair, you can just about guarantee that you're going to end up with a BYB litter... and then another, and another, another... until you do the right thing and get them fixed.There are so many problems with this...First of all, how big is the male? (Not now as a puppy, but what size breed?) Because if he's of a medium or large breed, your little female won't survive the pregnancy and delivery. Second, your dogs haven't been health certified and genetically screened. (Much more in depth than a vet check.) That means the possibility of sickly pups with poor genetics, bad health, and crappy temperaments. Those traits may be recessive, so you may not even see them in your current dogs. Third, you're clearly not an educated breeding expert with a network of breeding mentors. That means you won't know what you're doing when things go wrong. And things go wrong fast, often too fast to get to a vet. Fourth, the world is overflowing with BYB puppies. Go down to your local shelter and see how many are being euthanized. Healthy, sweet dogs and puppies, not just untrainable, aggressive ones. Fifth, pregnancy is dangerous for your dog. I grew up on a farm years ago, and tons of pregnant dogs were dumped with us, plus my grandfather had one or two Goldens he bred. Even under his care (and he was a lifelong farmer, who'd delivered countless animals and bred very responsibly), some dogs died, and puppies died quite often. Spaying your dog, on the other hand, will protect her from preventable deadly diseases, like cancer and pyometra. If you do some research, you'll see that there are tons more reasons to bring your dog in for an emergency spay immediately. Any responsible dog person or vet will tell you: BYB is a bad move. All of us dog lovers should be working together to end the cycle of irresponsible breeding, which is a HUGE problem. Every litter makes a difference.Add: It is possible that your dog can impregnate your female at 6 months; it's been known to happen. Add again: You "DGAF"?? Really?? That's really sad, that you don't "GAF" what impact your irresponsible actions have on the world. Grow up.Add, finally: I see from your other questions that you're 13. You're clearly not mature and aware enough to understand the big mistake you're making. If you really care about your dogs, you need to talk to your parents about a neuter and an emergency spay. And if you're asking "what's wrong with letting dogs reproduce?" you're clearly not reading the reasonable, informed answers you're getting.

    • No that's not possible. Males mature around 7-9 months of age. I would say keep them seperate incase it's true that something went wrong. GET YOUR DAM* DOG SPAYED!

    • All I have to say is that they should have been fixed, one a long time ago & one NOW.God, I hope she is not pregnant. Her pups wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting placed in a good home. So many people are turning in whole litters cause they can't find homes for the puppies. They come in so fast & fiercely that most go straight to the kill floor.Call & schedule a spay/abort & a neuter at the same time. Don't let her have the pups if there are pups.

    • There are instances of dogs sexually maturing at 6 months, so it is possible. I would get him neutered ASAP in case she's not pregnant yet. If she is pregnant you will see her vulva become larger, her nipples larger, she may try to make a nest, she will not have a heat, if she has a heat then she's no preg. Also her appetite will increase- she will want to eat a lot and drink more also. Keep them separated until you get the male neutered, he is old enough and you can find low costs clinics in tons of places if you need to. Just search for them.

    • You are an idiot! Breeding your dog is not a right. Dogs do not need to breed in order to live a full and vibrant lifestyle. If your dog is a mixed breed, although she may be lovable and a great companion, she should not be bred. There are plenty of mixed breed dogs in the world so you do not need to add to this phenomenal number.Each year, thousands of dogs are put down by animal shelters when they cannot be adopted. Do not add to this heart breaking problem by allowing your dog to produce a litter of puppies.Dogs that have been spayed or neutered are not capable of accidentally delivering you a litter of puppies. BE A RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER...Here are some dogs facing the gas chamber if they cannot be adopted: Do you really think Jack Russell Terriers aren't susceptible to heart problems?2nd Edit: (Quote)Also what is so wrong with letting dogs reproduce? It's not like we'd send the puppies to a shelter(Unquote)YOU may not send the puppies to the shelter but those who get them may get tired of them or find that they are too time consuming/expensive to keep and surrender them to the shelter or even turn them loose to fend for themselves. The shelters/rescues are already overflowing and dogs are being turned away on a daily basis yet you are not concerned about adding to the problem? You are NOT an animal lover if you cannot see how wrong it is!