So my female dog is getting big,i am worried she gave birth 5 months ago,what could it be?

My dog a lacy,is getting pretty big,and i am wondering why?she just gave birth 5 months ago,and she can't get pregnant that fast can't she? and her son or my other dogs son (have the same amount of time) can't get another dog pregnant do early right?i…

    So my female dog is getting big,i am worried she gave birth 5 months ago,what could it be?

    My dog a lacy,is getting pretty big,and i am wondering why?she just gave birth 5 months ago,and she can't get pregnant that fast can't she? and her son or my other dogs son (have the same amount of time) can't get another dog pregnant do early right?i…...
    General Dog Discussions : So my female dog is getting big,i am worried she gave birth 5 months ago,what could it be?...

    • So my female dog is getting big,i am worried she gave birth 5 months ago,what could it be?

      So my female dog is getting big,i am worried she gave birth 5 months ago,what could it be? General Dog Discussions
      My dog a lacy,is getting pretty big,and i am wondering why?she just gave birth 5 months ago,and she can't get pregnant that fast can't she? and her son or my other dogs son (have the same amount of time) can't get another dog pregnant do early right?i have seen the puppies humping each other (male puppies) <.< does that mean they can get another dog pregnant so early?Money is really tight right now,so this is why i come to you guys for answers,if its really serious i am willing to sell everything i have to check the dog out,she is one of the most amazing dogs ever,is there a way i can check if she is pregnant? or maybe she is just eating alot?i am confused guys,please help. thanks :)i had an appointment after she gave birth to sprayed her so she can't give birth anymore,i went there at 9am like the vet said,and then the vet said i was too late,stupid vet...anyways,we have an appointment in may,i just wanted to know if there is something really bad that could happen,i guess if she is pregnant i have to go trough the whole procces AGAIN,and i guess im going to keep the other female dog away from the males,don't want to get her pregnant too...but i think the vet said something like the dogs can't get pregnant in 6 months?can anyone confirm this?

      So my female dog is getting big,i am worried she gave birth 5 months ago,what could it be?

      So my female dog is getting big,i am worried she gave birth 5 months ago,what could it be? General Dog Discussions
    • oh lord. when she gave birth 5 months ago, why didn't you have ger fixed AS SOON AS you got rid of the puppies????. If she came into contact with a male dog again, of course she can be pregnant again. This is the Spring time, when animals do their mating/have babies....As a matter of fact, why did she even have that first litter... there is such thing as SPAYING your pets so this type of thing DOESN'T happen!!!!. All this is called is POOR pet ownership. Irresponsible. Don't say you don't have money to get her fixed, now in days there are a bunch of places that offer very LOW COST and sometimes FREE altering of pets. Pure laziness.

    • Female dogs come into cycles every 6 months she could be pregnant again. Why don't you get her spayed? That will put an end to it. All pups will play that way, even a mom will play with her pups that way. Any 5 month old pup can not make a female conceive. How much food does she get in a day? Maybe only feed her one time a day, not letting her eat all day long if she has food out all the time.

    • she can't get pregnant unless she is in heat. if she hasn't had a heat yet i wouldn't worry. make sure that you don't breed her again just for money, they need to have time in between litters otherwise it can kill her

    • Wait.. she might have been mated by her son? So that means her son is possibly the father..?Emergency spay, we don't need anymore more pups, especially ones with an uncle-dad who come out strumming bangos.

    • If she has gone into heat since she had her last litter 5 months ago yes she could get pregnant againYes it is not unheard of for a 5 month old dog to impregnate a b*tch. if she did tie with one of her own pups that you have a responsibility to have an emergency spay done ASAP, no one will want pups that may have all sorts of inherited and genetic health problems.You really should have your dogs spayed and neutered..if money is tight (the economy is terrible everywhere) you can go to they offer low cost spay/neutere's with vets all over the U.S.The only way to know if she is pregnant is to have her examined by your vetADD:::If she has gone into heat since her having the pups 5 months ago, and if any intact male tied with her, then yes she definately could be pregnant.Your vet should have said, should not get pregnant and not can't get pregnant. Having a litter this soon after her last could end up with her getting very sick and any resulting pups as well. This time period would not have been enough for her to recover from the last litter.