how do you terminate a dogs pregnancy?

we went on holiday three weeks ago and left our eight-month old puppy at a friends but she escaped one day. we obviously did not know about it at the time but we were assured that they found her the next day. as you can imagine, we weren't impressed.…

    how do you terminate a dogs pregnancy?

    we went on holiday three weeks ago and left our eight-month old puppy at a friends but she escaped one day. we obviously did not know about it at the time but we were assured that they found her the next day. as you can imagine, we weren't impressed.…...
    General Dog Discussions : how do you terminate a dogs pregnancy?...

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    • how do you terminate a dogs pregnancy?

      how do you terminate a dogs pregnancy? General Dog Discussions
      we went on holiday three weeks ago and left our eight-month old puppy at a friends but she escaped one day. we obviously did not know about it at the time but we were assured that they found her the next day. as you can imagine, we weren't impressed. after a while we started to see her behaviour change (listed at bottom) and recently we noticed that her breasts had grown a bit. we think that she is pregnant and we searched it online but there were a lot of contradicting answers about the subject. what we really wanted to know is whether we could make sure for certain that she is pregnant and whether we could somehow terminate the pregnancy as we do not even know what breed of dog would have impregnated her and it could be too big for her to give birth to amongst many other reasons! i heard of dog abortions but are skeptical of whether it is too late for us to even consider that option. we will be phoning the vet soon but any extra info would be great! we are really worried about herwe do not have a huge amount of money to spare and would appreciate any help. thanks!behaviour changes:~ sleeping a lot~ eating pattern weird (doesn't eat a lot now that i think of it)~ she hasn't been acting herself a lot~ her "boobs" have grown

      how do you terminate a dogs pregnancy?

      how do you terminate a dogs pregnancy? General Dog Discussions
    • A quick xray at the vet will tell if she's pregnant and how many there are. Gestation for a dog is 63 days. To "abort" them, they would spay her and remove her ovaries and the growing fetuses.

    • Its called getting her spayed. Why the heck wouldn't you just call your vet about this? She can be spayed up until the day she delivers it all depends on having a vet willing to do so. If she is in fact pregnant it will cost more than a normal spay. How much more depends on the vet.

    • If you didn't want your dog to get pregnant you should have gotten her spayed already. Aborting unborn animals is just as disgusting as aborting unborn humans. However, a c section at the veterinarian I work for is only $400. If you can't afford that, then you probably shouldn't have pets. I'm just sayin'...

    • What on Earth are you thinking! You don't terminate a dog's pregnancy. That's a job for a vet ONLY. Geez, if you want to kill her, why not just take her to Animal Control and let them do it humanely? A vet could give her an abortion if she's in an early enough stage. A vet would be the person who could determine if she's pregnant.If her "boobs" are growing, it will be too late to abort the puppies.There's a 9 out of 10 chance that her body will handle the size issue, if there is one, just fine. I'm 5 feet and my hubby's 6'7". My pups came out just fine and grew to 5'10". Again, a vet would monitor this and be able to advise if there would be a problem.If you can't afford to get the dog properly treated, it would be a kindness to give her to a local animal welfare agency.

    • I believe the new abortion injections are best given within 25 days of a possible mating, so you might still have that option. Ask you vet, and also make sure that he uses the new injections, which have very little side-effects. I am not sure the old type injections can be given this late, but if yes and the vet uses these, then insist that your dog is put on antibiotics, as the old injections increase the risk of pyometra.Otherwise, if you are in the U.S., I believe some vets will spay even if the dog is pregnant.

    • Was the dog in heat while you were gone? If she was not in heat when bred, she cannot be pregnant now. Signs of heat include: changes in behavior/personality, wanderlust, swollen vulva and nipples, bloody discharge from the vulva.Honestly, it sounds to me more like she is gearing up for her first heat cycle than that she is pregnant... the first thing to do is head to the vet and find out if she actually is pregnant or not! Even if she was in heat, a false pregnancy is very common in dogs. Depending on how far along she is, an x-ray can tell you if there are pups in her uterus or if it's all in her head (dogs with false pregnancies have been known to gain weight, produce milk, and even go into labor and "deliver" their imaginary puppies!).If she IS pregnant, then there are mis-mate shots that can be given within a certain time after mating. These will prevent the release of eggs and/or the implantation of embryos and/or cause spontaneous abortion depending on the type and how far along she is. These procedures are relatively safe, but still can cause health complications, they are particularly not recommended for any dog that will be used for breeding in the future - from a reproductive standpoint, it is better to let her carry this litter to term if she will be asked to later carry another (so says every vet I've ever asked about it). The recommended course is therefore usually a spay/abort. The uterus and it's contents are removed, causing the death of any embryos or fetuses it contains, and, of course, terminating the pregnancy. This naturally precludes her later coming into heat or producing a litter.Good luck figuring it out!