Dog in heat, neighbour's dog "got at her"...?

Ok, so our puppy is in her first heat, we were told to let her have one heat before fixing her. She was in our fenced yard waiting for me to come outside (I went in to find her ball to play with)... I came out just in time to see our neighbour's beagle…

    Dog in heat, neighbour's dog "got at her"...?

    Ok, so our puppy is in her first heat, we were told to let her have one heat before fixing her. She was in our fenced yard waiting for me to come outside (I went in to find her ball to play with)... I came out just in time to see our neighbour's beagle…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog in heat, neighbour's dog "got at her"...?...

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    • Dog in heat, neighbour's dog "got at her"...?

      Dog in heat, neighbour's dog "got at her"...? General Dog Discussions
      Ok, so our puppy is in her first heat, we were told to let her have one heat before fixing her. She was in our fenced yard waiting for me to come outside (I went in to find her ball to play with)... I came out just in time to see our neighbour's beagle mount her and thrust two or three times before I yelled and startled him away from her. He had pushed the gate open somehow, someone must have left it unlocked and he could smell her. I only left her for a minute! I've heard that when dogs mate, they get "stuck" together and go at it several minutes before the dog ejaculates and possibly can impregnate the this true? He only got about two or three "thrusts", would this be enough time for anything significant to occur? Hoping to get a reply from a breeder or someone who has knows their stuff about this...

      Dog in heat, neighbour's dog "got at her"...?

      Dog in heat, neighbour's dog "got at her"...? General Dog Discussions
    • She could be pregnant, it only takes a couple of seconds. Since it is her first heat, it is too risky to allow her to carry a litter to term. You need to contact your vet and get an emergency spay ASAP. You didn't need to wait until her first heat, it could have been done as soon as she was big enough to handle anesthesia.

    • Most likely she is not pregnant but who ever told you to wait for her to threw her first heat before spaying was very wrong. Dogs do have to lock together before the female can be come pregnant but i would recommend just in case to take her in to get an emergency spay, soon!

    • more than likely your dog is in the clear! its does usually take the male getting "stuck" in her for him to impregnate the female! but there are the freak accidents that occur sometimes. but more likely Than not he didnt get her pregnant just by the 2 times he tried. if you are going to get her spayed in only a short time that vet should do an automatic test to make sure shes not pregnant before they spay her! usually vets do this to makes sure that when they go in to tie the tubes and what not they wont run across any pups already in there! if they do run across any they remove them with your permission and spay her anyways but when you get the bill they add on another fee for the removal of the pups they did find. (if there are any they will remove all of them so no worries bout that either) most vets are very very articulate about these procedures! its can cause more serious problems if they are not careful. but you shouldnt have to worry about her having any pups anyways. i hope this helps you out good luck to you and your pup!

    • She most likely did not get pregnant from that. Keep her safe from the other dogs, or she will end up pregnant and she is way, way to young to have pups.. She is still growing at her age and it would be devastating to her health to whelp a litter of pups.. Get her fixed..The person who recommended waiting is ill informed and should not be giving advice...Puppies should not be having puppies..

    • There is a lot of debate about whether to have dogs spayed before their first season or allow one and then have it done midway between the first and the second.The jury is still out on all of this, so I wouldn't say that whoever told you to allow one cycle was wrong. B*tches can get spay incontinence when done too young, they can have more growth problems particularly if a large breed. Behaviourists complain that dogs are not mentally maturing as they should, and lastly there is still no assurance that it doesn't bring on osteosarcomas.A LOT of good breeders in the UK put out contracts that they may only be spayed after their first cycle or some state a particular age. However -- with all that said, if you allow one cycle then you have to take extra precautions.As said, please now book an emergency spay as you could have major problems allowing this pregnancy to continue.