What is the youngest age for a boy puppy to be able to impregnate another dog?

We just got a 9 month old puppy and she hasn't been spayed yet. The next door neighbors have a 5 month old boy puppy who isn't neutered. Our dog jumped over our fence today and went into their yard and their puppy was outside. I could hear the neighbor's…

    What is the youngest age for a boy puppy to be able to impregnate another dog?

    We just got a 9 month old puppy and she hasn't been spayed yet. The next door neighbors have a 5 month old boy puppy who isn't neutered. Our dog jumped over our fence today and went into their yard and their puppy was outside. I could hear the neighbor's…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the youngest age for a boy puppy to be able to impregnate another dog?...

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    • What is the youngest age for a boy puppy to be able to impregnate another dog?

      What is the youngest age for a boy puppy to be able to impregnate another dog? General Dog Discussions
      We just got a 9 month old puppy and she hasn't been spayed yet. The next door neighbors have a 5 month old boy puppy who isn't neutered. Our dog jumped over our fence today and went into their yard and their puppy was outside. I could hear the neighbor's boys giggling and called my dog inside. I noticed white on her in her lady area and we don't know if she had puppy sex. Help? We can't handle puppies right now.last week my mom made an appointment for the 9th of December, is that too late?how do you know when a dog is in heat?

      What is the youngest age for a boy puppy to be able to impregnate another dog?

      What is the youngest age for a boy puppy to be able to impregnate another dog? General Dog Discussions
    • You can't handle puppies right now? I think you should be more concerned with the fact that a 9 month old puppy can't handle puppies. She's way too young to safely have puppies. If she's in heat then yes, she could be pregnant from a 5 month old dog. Take her to the vet for a spay ASAP.ADD: I would try to get her in sooner if possible just in case she is pregnant. This page can help you figure out if she's in heat.http://mastiff25.tripod.com/mastif/id17.html

    • Yes, there is a chance she is pregnant. Do you know if she was in heat?If she was, call your vet ASAP and schedule an emergency spay. This will abort the pregnancy.

    • very good chance she is pregnant. If the male dog is outside and has sex with her, usually he is mature enough to make puppies. If he were younger he wouldnt have been interested in her. If you can take her to the vet and have her spayed right away.

    • Puberty for a male dog is usually around 4-6 months, so i suggest you take the female to the vet if you don't want any pups,because at the age of 9 months she can have pups.

    • To be frank, if your dog has puppies right now, she will die, and the puppies will die. If they mated, she's pregnant, because dogs don't have sex for fun.You can abort the puppies before they actually form if you get her spayed NOW.

    • i would say 10 months old on small dogs around 6 months on large dogs...my male pomeranian i had he was 10 months before he started acting stupid around the females...she will swell and bleed in her lady area....some females have a silent heat they just swell but not bleed...your neighbors dog might have tried to hump her not in heat...my neighbors chihuahua when she brings him over here he goes nuts over my females even though they aren't in heat..