My male puppy is about 4 months old and has had an erection for about 3 hours.?

First let me explain that I have 2 female dogs in the house in heat. However, they have been in heat for a week already. I have never noticed my male puppy with an erection before. It may be his first or it may not. I have tried a cold pack in his…

    My male puppy is about 4 months old and has had an erection for about 3 hours.?

    First let me explain that I have 2 female dogs in the house in heat. However, they have been in heat for a week already. I have never noticed my male puppy with an erection before. It may be his first or it may not. I have tried a cold pack in his…...
    General Dog Discussions : My male puppy is about 4 months old and has had an erection for about 3 hours.?...

    • My male puppy is about 4 months old and has had an erection for about 3 hours.?

      My male puppy is about 4 months old and has had an erection for about 3 hours.? General Dog Discussions
      First let me explain that I have 2 female dogs in the house in heat. However, they have been in heat for a week already. I have never noticed my male puppy with an erection before. It may be his first or it may not. I have tried a cold pack in his genital area, feeding him, and even giving him a cool bath. Now my son has taken him outside, it is cold and raining. Still he remains erect. Can this hurt him? How can I help him make it not erect? How long before it is a problem? Can he get my females pregnant? Help?

      My male puppy is about 4 months old and has had an erection for about 3 hours.?

      My male puppy is about 4 months old and has had an erection for about 3 hours.? General Dog Discussions
    • You know what they say...If your erection lasts for more than 4 professional help! (viagra ad)Seriously, call the vet and ask if its normal or not. I've never heard of that.

    • Priapism (prolonged erection) can damage the vena cava of the penis. It is slightly possible he can impregnate females. Seperate them completely. At about a week past teh first show of blood, the females are most fertile, and this is true even if bleeding is stopped. Keep them away from all males until day 21 beyond the first show of blood. Call your vet to get advice on how to end your puppy's erection and get him neutered and the girls spayed ASAP.

    • I would seek professional help from a vet. Im pretty sure that he cannot get your females pregnant though. But just to be on the safe side put the females in another room.