Help! Dog is in heat.?

Okay well I have a young female yorkie and she is in heat and an unneutered male boston terrier. My dad won't get him neutered and won't get the yorkie spayed due to his ignorance and cheapness. e.e So is having blood and swollen vulva area. My dad…

    Help! Dog is in heat.?

    Okay well I have a young female yorkie and she is in heat and an unneutered male boston terrier. My dad won't get him neutered and won't get the yorkie spayed due to his ignorance and cheapness. e.e So is having blood and swollen vulva area. My dad…...
    General Dog Discussions : Help! Dog is in heat.?...

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    • Help! Dog is in heat.?

      Help! Dog is in heat.? General Dog Discussions
      Okay well I have a young female yorkie and she is in heat and an unneutered male boston terrier. My dad won't get him neutered and won't get the yorkie spayed due to his ignorance and cheapness. e.e So is having blood and swollen vulva area. My dad refuses to buy her diapers to stop the bleeding and said she can sleep outside which obviously a male might come and impregnate her. So what can I do? I can NOT go out and buy things, first off I have no money, secondly I can't drive ._.

      Help! Dog is in heat.?

      Help! Dog is in heat.? General Dog Discussions
    • If you have a small, tiled room like a utility room, keep her in there. Put newspapers or rags down. Don't let your male dog into the room. Once she is out of heat, let her back out. In the mean time, just keep her company and AWAY from the male dog.

    • Parents are supposed to set a good example to there children by bringing them up properly and teaching them the right way of doing things .Your dad obviously is not .You should not have to do anything your parents should be making sure they are separated at all times and spayed and neutered.All you can do is separate them and try and convince your dad to spay and neuter .

    • So your dad is cheap? Alrighty then, show him this site (or you can print out the relevant information and use a highlighter so he can read it in less than a minute): him that the vast majority of Bostons require C-sections to deliver their pups due to the size of their skulls. So the Yorkie would have the same problem with any of the pups that took after the dad. And here is the part that should sway your dad (about half-way down the page):"C-Section $800-$2000 (depending on the area, many vets charge depending on how many puppies there are)". That is IN ADDITION to other expenses that might crop up.First, however, phone around to the Humane Society and Spay and Neuter Clinics to get prices for spaying the Yorkie. You should be able to find someone to do it for under $200, maybe even less. That begins to look pretty attractive when considering $800 to $2000, doesn't it? So present that info at the same time you show him the website I mentioned.Chances are you'll have to go through this season (it costs a bit more to spay an in-season dog), so make SURE she doesn't get bred. Maybe you can make her some diapers out of an old sheet or something, to help with the mess.Best of luck to you.