is my dog pregnant still or did she miscarry?

my dog started her period nov 20. she got pregnant some time after that...her nipples swole up and they all have milk sacks i assume..i took her to the vet han 4th she sd my dog is most likely pregnant from the signs and i came home and…

    is my dog pregnant still or did she miscarry?

    my dog started her period nov 20. she got pregnant some time after that...her nipples swole up and they all have milk sacks i assume..i took her to the vet han 4th she sd my dog is most likely pregnant from the signs and i came home and…...
    General Dog Discussions : is my dog pregnant still or did she miscarry?...

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    • is my dog pregnant still or did she miscarry?

      is my dog pregnant still or did she miscarry? General Dog Discussions
      my dog started her period nov 20. she got pregnant some time after that...her nipples swole up and they all have milk sacks i assume..i took her to the vet han 4th she sd my dog is most likely pregnant from the signs and i came home and there was a large amount of brownish looking(hard to tell the color b/c of my sheets) discharge on my bed where she was laying... is she okay? was that her water that broke? or is she having a miscarriage????please let me know..okay look if you got something negative to say then go tell it to someone else because i dont care and i dont want to read what you have to say. period/ heat same f****** thing yall know what im talking about so why make a big deal out of it. and as for her not being fixed thats my buisness not yours.BTW the vet said she was not doing an x ray until 5 weeks from when i brought her the first time

      is my dog pregnant still or did she miscarry?

      is my dog pregnant still or did she miscarry? General Dog Discussions
    • O_o you're a mom? Sorry, but I would assume that you took great care in making sure your baby was well taken care of while you were pregnant and after he was born. I'm sure you talked to lots of people and read lots of books WAY before your baby came.So when you found out that your dog was pregnant, didn't you go out and try to research EVERYTHING possible to make sure your dog was happy and healthy during all this??I mean first of all your dog doesn't have its period. Your dog isn't human. Your dog was in "heat".Why isn't your dog spayed? How did your dog get pregnant? I hope this isn't a common trend...Please take your dog back to the vet and get her spayed as soon as you can! You are risking your dog's life due to your own negligence.

    • Dogs don't have periods women do dogs go into heati would be taking her back to the vet so they can check her out and whilst there ask about spaying her

    • this is why so many of us get angry when people let their dogs get knocked up without knowing what they are doing. BYB think nature will take care of it, but unless you have trained on this, have a mentor to help u thru , you have endanged the mother and pups for whatever selfish reason u let her get pregnant by.

    • I don;t believe a word you said, even the ones I could understand. For one you have no idea when this dog tied with male dog. What day and month did she go to vet for prenatal visits, vet did no xrays or ultrasounds. Just said most likely pregnant from signs.Get this dam dog spayed and change vets as he is a quack vet. But like I said I don't believe a word you said.

    • This would be a FANTASTIC question for your veterinary reproductive specialist.brown discharge = VET now!While you're there you should have an ultra sound done. I'm dismayed that you don't know when she got pregnant. Not shocked, just dismayed.Edit: Old enough to own the dog, be married, raise a child = old enough to understand reproduction.It's simply NOT rocket science keeping a b*tch from getting pregnant. Heck, my children at age 4 understood "She's in heat and can't be with the boys now or let outside".

    • wow a lot of you people are wacks. It is just a dog. I am not saying that because i hate dogs. I have a had a dog. Maybe none of you thought about the fact that maybe she does not want to get the dog spayed. Maybe just maybe she wanted her dog to have puppies. She is obviously concerned for the dog. Oh and by the way if dogs were meant to only have puppies in sterile veterinary clinics then they flat out should not exist. Same goes with any species. The dog can get pregnant and have babies just fine on her own I am sure unless it is a little rat terrier that got impregnated by a great dane, which by the way are freakish breeds that have been engineered by human selection.