What to do about extremely horny dog?

My puppy is having her first heat. she is 6 months. i planned on having her fixed around this time, but she started earlier than i thought and i was advised by my vet not to do surgery until this time because she was so small (2-3 pounds), and the humane…

    What to do about extremely horny dog?

    My puppy is having her first heat. she is 6 months. i planned on having her fixed around this time, but she started earlier than i thought and i was advised by my vet not to do surgery until this time because she was so small (2-3 pounds), and the humane…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do about extremely horny dog?...

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    • What to do about extremely horny dog?

      What to do about extremely horny dog? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy is having her first heat. she is 6 months. i planned on having her fixed around this time, but she started earlier than i thought and i was advised by my vet not to do surgery until this time because she was so small (2-3 pounds), and the humane society said i have to wait for her to finish her cycle to get her spayed. i plan on getting her spayed ASAP.my other dog is extremely horny. like, he's crazy. he won't sleep and he whines and scratches my door all night, bites at us when we try to save her from him (she is tiny, almost 4 pound pommy, he's a 25 pound shiba). is it true that if you rub a bit of vick's on his nose, it'll throw off his scent?how do i calm him down?oh and i keep them in separate rooms. but when we open the door to enter a room, he will nip at our feet to slide past us and get at her. then i have to beat him to her and get her before he does, which is a challenge. is there any way to just take it down a notch?p.s. the shiba is not my dog, it is a family members'. he is neutered, that doesn't mean that he won't be horny. he still humps everything.neutering does not = no more hornyness.

      What to do about extremely horny dog?

      What to do about extremely horny dog? General Dog Discussions
    • It's an issue that you didn't get him fixed. First of all, a male dog's temperment is much more aggressive if they have testosterone raging through their body. Second, your female dog may be spayed soon, but your male dog could mate with someother one. As for making him less horny, I have never heard of that trick. I think you just have to deal with it.

    • CASTRATE...........like you should have done already.SPAY,like you should have done already.Get a new vet=the one you're using is an idiot.*&* CRATE SEPARATELY....for THREE WEEKS!

    • Is the shiba neutered? Keep them separate, and if he's rushing past you when you open the door, put him in a crate. If he's BITING at you, it's absolutely unacceptable. Keep him crated, until he's calm, and when he is, let him loose. Her heat cycle last about 3 weeks. One week or so of active 'drip', and then the two weeks following is her fertile time. You will NEED to keep her inside, and away from all dogs. A pregnancy at her size could kill her.

    • Besides the Vick's burning his nasal membranes it won't do a thing. You should have both dogs neutered/spayed. With the difference in size if he impregnates her and you do not abort the pregnancy the pups will be big enough to kill her giving birth.You are right. So many people think a neutered male can't...perform. They can and will given the opportunity. But, they can't make pups!

    • This is more of a training issue with the Shiba, not hormonal. Plenty of intact males don't act like this when a female is in heat nearby.Shiba's are a challenge anyway.The Shiba's owner needs to control the dog, leash or crate or remove it from the house. I'm assuming it's a Holiday guest, perhaps incorrectly, but if so, his welcome is worn out.Unfortunately it's not always easy to predict when a young female will go into heat for the first time and any surgery on a tiny animal is more of a challenge. The Vets advice was correct.

    • OK i read the whole thing. you are right at the bottom, neutering does not = no more hornyness.my uncle's dog is a testimony to this. have an air cleaner in the room, this will not solve the problem, but it may help. Shiba Inu's are hyper dogs especially males, but when entering a room stand up to him plant your feet and tell him NO!! Only crack the door open and slip through.

    • Go ahead and get the male dog neutered - like right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that is not possible take him to a kennel and see if they can board this dog. Or ask a friend to keep him for a week or two until the female is out of heat. ( Make sure there are no females in heat over there either!!!!!!!!!!!)As soon as this little female is out of her heat cycle, then see about getting her spayed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!