How often should I feed a one year old sheltie?

My sheltie turned one this past wednesday. I have been feeding her twice a day as a puppy due to my vets advice. Yes, I know not to substitute yahoo answers for my vets advice. But can anyone tell me if it is true that adult dogs should be fed once a…

    How often should I feed a one year old sheltie?

    My sheltie turned one this past wednesday. I have been feeding her twice a day as a puppy due to my vets advice. Yes, I know not to substitute yahoo answers for my vets advice. But can anyone tell me if it is true that adult dogs should be fed once a…...
    General Dog Discussions : How often should I feed a one year old sheltie?...

    • How often should I feed a one year old sheltie?

      How often should I feed a one year old sheltie? General Dog Discussions
      My sheltie turned one this past wednesday. I have been feeding her twice a day as a puppy due to my vets advice. Yes, I know not to substitute yahoo answers for my vets advice. But can anyone tell me if it is true that adult dogs should be fed once a day? Thanks.

      How often should I feed a one year old sheltie?

      How often should I feed a one year old sheltie? General Dog Discussions
    • Continue to feed her twice a day. All my adult dogs are fed twice daily.I would not feed any dog only once a day. There stomach is empty for too long if they have to wait 24 hours for a meal.

    • You could drop back to once a day in adulthood, but I've always stayed at twice a day. It's easier on the dog's system to have two meals if you're feeding kibble. And as it's one of the highlights of most dogs' day, why not keep on feeding them twice?In bloat-prone breeds, you don't want to ever drop back to once a day as it can increase the likelihood of bloating. Now that he's full-grown, you may need to drop back the total amount of food, but I'd stick with twice-a-day feedings.

    • I have a Pug and a Boston Terrier and we feed them twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. I think it's probably good to keep your dog on the same schedule and not change it up just because she turned one. Go ahead and keep with the same schedule - your dog will appreciate it. :)

    • I am not a professional, but my dogs like to eat dry dog mix before going out first thing in the morning, ( its in the dish all the time but they only want it before leaving the house ). When I come in from work at 12 they want a bone biscuit to take out and devour. At approx 6.30 - 7.00 they want meat, fish or pasta or something filling. Then its another long walk later to empty out.They are 5 years old and this is their normal pattern of eating. Lots and lots of water all day and night. Hope this helped..