What are the signs of sickness in a dog?

My 7 month old puppy is acting as if he is sick. And I just want all the signs of a sick puppy.What are they?His vaccinations are up to date.

    What are the signs of sickness in a dog?

    My 7 month old puppy is acting as if he is sick. And I just want all the signs of a sick puppy.What are they?His vaccinations are up to date....
    General Dog Discussions : What are the signs of sickness in a dog?...

    • What are the signs of sickness in a dog?

      What are the signs of sickness in a dog? General Dog Discussions
      My 7 month old puppy is acting as if he is sick. And I just want all the signs of a sick puppy.What are they?His vaccinations are up to date.

      What are the signs of sickness in a dog?

      What are the signs of sickness in a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Lethargy-loss of appetite, doesn't want to play, running a temp higher than 102.5, vomiting, diarrhea. If you are concerned your puppy should see a Vet, ASAP! Could be Parvo & the quicker you catch it the better chance of saving his life.

    • 'Signs of a sick puppy" via Yahoo searchhttp://search.yahoo.com/search?p=signs%20of%20a%20sick%20puppyVomiting, diarrhea, no energy, doesn't want eat or drink, running a fever, nose really dry.These symptoms could be a lot of things but only a Vet can see the puppy & examine it & test it, to find out what is wrong with it. Vets see so many sick puppies he/she could probably just tell you what it is. If it isn't up on it's shots it could be Parvo. (God forbid) that stuff is bad.

    • Not eating, tired all the time, not sociable, vomiting, diarrhea. Also, I know my dog when she was hurt one time, she went and hid under my bed, my vet told me when dogs are hurt, they go and hide under things, because it is there natural instincts to hide from predators. Take the puppy to the vet. They can help you.

    • "Signs" of being sick varies a great deal depending on what is wrong with the animal.You say your dog is 'acting sick." What is making you think he is acting sick? That would probably help more than asking for signs that may or may not apply to what you are dealing with.