How much penicilin should i give a 25 pound puppy?

She currently has parvo and we have been fighting it for about 4 days now.We cant afford to take her to the vet due to the fact i've been layed off for so long. I cant even afford the vet visit

    How much penicilin should i give a 25 pound puppy?

    She currently has parvo and we have been fighting it for about 4 days now.We cant afford to take her to the vet due to the fact i've been layed off for so long. I cant even afford the vet visit...
    General Dog Discussions : How much penicilin should i give a 25 pound puppy?...

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    • How much penicilin should i give a 25 pound puppy?

      How much penicilin should i give a 25 pound puppy? General Dog Discussions
      She currently has parvo and we have been fighting it for about 4 days now.We cant afford to take her to the vet due to the fact i've been layed off for so long. I cant even afford the vet visit

      How much penicilin should i give a 25 pound puppy?

      How much penicilin should i give a 25 pound puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • Then you need to borrow money from friends or relatives to get the money. You NEVER EVER give your dog ANYTHING without consulting a vet first.Assuming you had this pup BEFORE you were laid off call your vet who this pup HOPEFULLY has been to already and ASK them. If on the other hand you were irresponsible enough as to take on the task of having a pet AFTER you were laid off, you have no one to blame but yourself, step up to the plate, find the money and go to the vet.

    • Don't give her the penicillin! Call your vet. If you explain to them that you can't afford the vet visits, they may be able to help you with a payment plan, or recommend what to give the puppy. If you can't afford to take care of the puppy, talk to your local shelter about finding a new home for her. It would be better for her than risking her life by not being able to treat her illness properly...

    • If you didn't take her to a vet how do you know she has parvo? There are many illnesses taht have similar symptoms. Also parvo must be treated by a vet. There is more to treating parvo then giving antibiotics. In addition you can not arbitrarily give penicillin or any other antibiotic without vet direction. Giving unprescribed antibiotics is very dangerous.No one here even if a vet can give you dosage for any prescription medication or prescribe any medication is against the law to do so.Not getting your dog/puppy proper medical treatment is considered animal cruelty in most states. The lack of $$$ is not considered an excuse.