How can i treat my dog for parvo at home?

My puppy of 2 1/2 month has parvo what can i do to treat! Also can my dog of 4yrs get it too? he has his shots and everything but im still scared he might get it to!I cant afford going to the vet! I really cant!! :(Why are you guys being so rude to me!!…

    How can i treat my dog for parvo at home?

    My puppy of 2 1/2 month has parvo what can i do to treat! Also can my dog of 4yrs get it too? he has his shots and everything but im still scared he might get it to!I cant afford going to the vet! I really cant!! :(Why are you guys being so rude to me!!…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can i treat my dog for parvo at home?...

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    • How can i treat my dog for parvo at home?

      How can i treat my dog for parvo at home? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy of 2 1/2 month has parvo what can i do to treat! Also can my dog of 4yrs get it too? he has his shots and everything but im still scared he might get it to!I cant afford going to the vet! I really cant!! :(Why are you guys being so rude to me!! Is not my decision to take him to the vet its my dad if he doesnt take him its not my faultI forgot to say i we already bought antibiotics but i want to know what i can do more to help

      How can i treat my dog for parvo at home?

      How can i treat my dog for parvo at home? General Dog Discussions
    • Directioners always think they know best.GO TO THE DAMN VET YOUR PUPPY WILL DIE.Your 4 year old will get it IF he doesn't have ALL of his shots, but you said the shots are up to date so he is safe.From a non directioner :PParvo is like the black plaque for puppies.Add: Then you have to give your puppy away to a no kill shelter, Parvo is not curable at home.

    • you cannot.if you cannot afford veternary care, you shouldn't have a dog. surrender to a no kill shelter if your not willing to go to a vet.edit: WHY the hell do you have a dog if you cant afford a vet? SO IRRESPONSIBLE. your dog is going to DIE if you do not go to the vet. there is nothing you can do at home.edit: alright, you can blame your dad then when your dog is dead.edit: don't lie... antibiotics will not help your dog. plus, you can ONLY get them with a perscription.

    • Just sprinkle some fairy dust on him, he'll be fine. No, wait, that will cause him to be able to fly. That's right. Yeah, no, you'll actually have to bring him to the vet for this one. Parvo is kind of a big deal. Your vet will be able to give him the meds he needs, otherwise, there's good chance you'll lose the little guy. You'll probably want to consider it an emergency and go ahead and call your vet's answering service if it's after hours where you are at now.

    • I'm meaning this in the nicest way possible, take him to his vet asap. This puppy is going to die a long, painful, miserable death if you don't. Parvo is very serious and you CANNOT treat it at home. It also will not go away on its own. If you cannot afford a vet turn him into a shelter and they will provide the treatment he needs. If that's not an option, put him to sleep for the sake of him. Its so painful for them. Please don't drag this out. I'm very sorry you both have to go through it but please do what's best for him! And no, your other dog won't get it.

    • Antibiotics are useless against a virus. They are for bacterial infections.Parvo kills by dehydration. Get some pedialite and give a little to the dog every hour to keep him hydrated. If he can't keep fluids down, then you'll need a vet to put in an IV port and teach you how to change the bags.

    • Tell your father that denying an animal medical treatment is considered ANIMAL CRUELTY. Not getting treatment could be punishable by fines and having the dog taken away. Allowing the dog to die, even with home treatment, could result in a FELONY charge and time in jail. I would look up animal cruelty laws in your area, print them out, and hand them to your father.If you can't afford the treatment, you need to surrender the puppy to the SPCA or even to your vet. OR, Sell some things and MAKE yourself able to afford a vet.Parvo is a VIRUS. Antibiotics won't do a damn thing. They will only kill the dog's natural bacteria (yes, there is such thing as natural GOOD bacteria) and leave him open to further problems. Do not give the dog antibiotics. You cannot treat a VIRUS at home.We're being "rude" because you said "my puppy". If you really want this dog to survive, you would do everything you could to either make money or convince your father to take action. Blaming it purely on him is unfair, because if he's YOUR puppy, then its YOUR job to get your father moving.

    • Sorry but only a vet can help you and if your dad won't take it to a vet tell him to go out back and dig a hole to bury it as it will die a long and painful death or ask you dad to put him out of its misery so it won't have to suffer. Antibiotics will not help. You can make a homemade electrolyte solution if you can get it to drink it or use a syringe to get it in the pup. My dog loves to just drink it. Use one quart water without fluoride, a tablespoon honey and teaspoon of salt. Keep it refrigerated or it will spoil

    • Keep the dogs away from one another the older dog should be fine it has a built up immune . #1 thing you need to do is keep him hydrated . Do not feed it will only make him vomit and therefore lose more hydration . Get him Gatorade or pedolyte it will hydrate more than water . If your puppy does survive you have to bleach (disinfect) everything your puppy has ever touched . Or been . Or he could catch it again . Best of luck . Google will help you more then here .