Can I give my dog his parvo shots early?

My brothers dog got parvo almost two weeks ago, and unfortunately died.. My puppy hasn't gotten it yet, but I keep him in my room all day n night, he has only had one of his shots. The vet gave him his first shot 11 days ago, and I want to give him his…

    Can I give my dog his parvo shots early?

    My brothers dog got parvo almost two weeks ago, and unfortunately died.. My puppy hasn't gotten it yet, but I keep him in my room all day n night, he has only had one of his shots. The vet gave him his first shot 11 days ago, and I want to give him his…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can I give my dog his parvo shots early?...

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    • Can I give my dog his parvo shots early?

      Can I give my dog his parvo shots early? General Dog Discussions
      My brothers dog got parvo almost two weeks ago, and unfortunately died.. My puppy hasn't gotten it yet, but I keep him in my room all day n night, he has only had one of his shots. The vet gave him his first shot 11 days ago, and I want to give him his second shot already, so he doesn't have to stay in my room for 8 weeks.. Would it be unsafe?? I really hate making him stay in my room all day, he always stays at the door wanting out I feel bad. Waiting 3-4 weeks between each shot seems like it'll take forever..

      Can I give my dog his parvo shots early?

      Can I give my dog his parvo shots early? General Dog Discussions
    • Administering a shot before the recommended time can cause an overdose, the same that could happen to a person. Would you rather keep your puppy in your room and have him safe, or administer the vaccine and have him die from an overdose? Brutal, but think about it.Trust me, I understand the feeling. I recently had a Labrador puppy that went through the same exact process. Their little immune systems can't handle too much of one drug at once, hence why the veterinarians specifically give you a time period that you must wait until for the safety of your puppy.Sorry for sounding rude, but I want the best for you and your puppy. Hope this helps!!

    • As much as the pup wants to get out, YOU know its safer for him in the room. The time frame for pup vaccinations are recommended as such to prevent and watch for ill fated allergies, etcHow old is the pup. By 3 months they should've gotten a vaccination for Parvo. The house and yard needs to be sterilized with bleach. Your brothers dogs bedding and such should be thrown out. And still, his dog would've likey had adult your pup shouldn't be around anything infected with the virus.Pick the pup up and take him for a walk if he's old enough.

    • If he's under 16 weeks old, he needs three sets of shots administered 3 to 4 weeks apart, up to 16 weeks old. Example: 8, 12, 16 weeks old.If he's over 16 weeks old, he only needs one vaccine (although since Parvo is in the house, If boost him again at 6 months.Why are vaccines given this way?1st vaccine kills the immunities the puppy received from mom. He was born without any and moms immunities have protected him this far.2nd vaccine kills any remaining immunities from mom and starts to build his own.3rd vaccine boosts his own immune system.Your puppy has only had one vaccine, so right now he's more vulnerable than ever. Rushing the vaccines will only weaken his own immune system. It takes time to build - time you cannot rush.Do what's right. Keep him in your room and give him the vaccines on schedule.And there is no such thing as "adult" Parvo and "puppy" Parvo. Parvo is Parvo. It doesn't discriminate when it kills..