How much does it cost to treat a puppy for parvo in Los Angeles?

The Los Feliz Small Animal Hospital wants to hold the animal for four days and charge us 1800.Dog is three months old, half German Shepherd half Shiba Inu.Any recommendations for vets?Is this a hallucination I'm having?

    How much does it cost to treat a puppy for parvo in Los Angeles?

    The Los Feliz Small Animal Hospital wants to hold the animal for four days and charge us 1800.Dog is three months old, half German Shepherd half Shiba Inu.Any recommendations for vets?Is this a hallucination I'm having?...
    General Dog Discussions : How much does it cost to treat a puppy for parvo in Los Angeles?...

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    • How much does it cost to treat a puppy for parvo in Los Angeles?

      How much does it cost to treat a puppy for parvo in Los Angeles? General Dog Discussions
      The Los Feliz Small Animal Hospital wants to hold the animal for four days and charge us 1800.Dog is three months old, half German Shepherd half Shiba Inu.Any recommendations for vets?Is this a hallucination I'm having?

      How much does it cost to treat a puppy for parvo in Los Angeles?

      How much does it cost to treat a puppy for parvo in Los Angeles? General Dog Discussions
    • Sounds a bit excessive, but I'm in the southeast, so it might be different for a big city.When my pit bull x got parvo, the final cost was somewhere btwn $250-$350. With parvo the vets really can't do much to treat it, other than keep the dog hydrated til it passes.My vet in SC held my dog from Monday morning at about 7am til Wednesday afternoon.I can't recommend vets since i'm not from the area, but i do hope you are gettng it treated.

    • I live in wv and i just took my siberian husky puppy to the vet to be treated for parvo, they told me the entire cost would be around 400 dollars. They said i could leave it there unitl i had spent 300 dollars and then bring it home to treat it myself. But if ur waiting this long for answers, your dog is probably going todie, immediate treatment is usually required.