Puppy with PARVO, has IV (and other medicine) in vets and comes home for the afternoon?

Wolfy, our new pup (bought- stupidly- from a street market in China,) has been diagnosed with PARVO a few days ago. He's a 2 month old husky. We were told he had been inoculated and it's now fairly clear that he wasn't. He started being sick on Monday…

    Puppy with PARVO, has IV (and other medicine) in vets and comes home for the afternoon?

    Wolfy, our new pup (bought- stupidly- from a street market in China,) has been diagnosed with PARVO a few days ago. He's a 2 month old husky. We were told he had been inoculated and it's now fairly clear that he wasn't. He started being sick on Monday…...
    General Dog Discussions : Puppy with PARVO, has IV (and other medicine) in vets and comes home for the afternoon?...

    • Puppy with PARVO, has IV (and other medicine) in vets and comes home for the afternoon?

      Puppy with PARVO, has IV (and other medicine) in vets and comes home for the afternoon? General Dog Discussions
      Wolfy, our new pup (bought- stupidly- from a street market in China,) has been diagnosed with PARVO a few days ago. He's a 2 month old husky. We were told he had been inoculated and it's now fairly clear that he wasn't. He started being sick on Monday night (today being Wednesday), he was sick a few times, then we took him to the vets on Tuesday morning when he refused to eat and was moping around a lot. He was given a test and came up positive for PARVO. The vets put him on a drip (or 4), gave him an antibiotic injection and then when all the drips were finished, we took him home with us. He was full of life and spritely (the vet told us today that it's because he didn't have his temperature any more. Today he went to the vets again and had his treatment (I work in the days and visit him at lunch, my girlfriend sits with him for the whole time- so I'm not 100% sure what medicine he gets). And this evening he's extremely depressed. He had his first diarrhea today (although it was only a splash before he produced a more regular stool), there was no blood in it. He has vomited a few times today but he looks hydrated, apart from his dry nose- his skin is supple and his eyes look healthy.Now, here's a couple of questions: Is it normal to have ups and downs during the treatment of parvo?When he's lying on the floor, depressed and suffering, how can we cheer him up? (I've taken to stroking his ears and telling him of the adventures we're going to share in the future- but i feel a little stupid.)After he's been to the vets, how should we clean the house? He's been on (figuratively) literally every surface we own bar the kitchen since we've had him.Could not cleaning the house properly make his condition worse?Sorry for such a torrent of a question, emotions are running pretty high. We're really stressed out in this situation. I can't speak directly to the vets because of a language barrier and although my girlfriend tries her best, the terms we need to use are extremely difficult no matter the ability of a foreign language speaker. We're planning to keep going to the vet as long as it takes to heal him, money's not an issue. We'd prefer not to keep him there though, unless we absolutely should, because we've read that keeping him at home is good for his morale (and ours). We just want him to be well again.Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

      Puppy with PARVO, has IV (and other medicine) in vets and comes home for the afternoon?

      Puppy with PARVO, has IV (and other medicine) in vets and comes home for the afternoon? General Dog Discussions
    • I had a rescue with Parvo once. She had several ups and downs before she came to me. The vet would say, she's ready to leave and then I'd get a call that she had taken a down turn. This went on for 3 weeks.If you talk to the vet, ask if you can bring the dog home with a IV port and teach you how to change the IV bag. Most vets do not have a staff in for after closing hours. Your pup is on it's own overnight.What kills the pups is dehydration do no other meds are needed except the IV.If left at the vet's, visiting him is all you can do. He needs to know that you have not abandoned him.Bleach is what we are told to clean with. That includes everywhere he has had diarrhea inside and outside of the house.After he is cured, he will be immune to the Parvo virus for life.I wish you and him well.