My dog is pregnant and it was her first heat?

No bitching about getting her spayed, too late. I was planning on spaying her after her first heat, but I will not abort lives. Blah blah blah inter-breeding the "best of" the breeds ends up with the dogs having mental issues (look to the royal family…

    My dog is pregnant and it was her first heat?

    No bitching about getting her spayed, too late. I was planning on spaying her after her first heat, but I will not abort lives. Blah blah blah inter-breeding the "best of" the breeds ends up with the dogs having mental issues (look to the royal family…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is pregnant and it was her first heat?...

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    • My dog is pregnant and it was her first heat?

      My dog is pregnant and it was her first heat? General Dog Discussions
      No bitching about getting her spayed, too late. I was planning on spaying her after her first heat, but I will not abort lives. Blah blah blah inter-breeding the "best of" the breeds ends up with the dogs having mental issues (look to the royal family for proof when King Henry ruled, or Bathory). I thought her heat was done because she wouldn't let the male we lived with mount her. Well she and her father tied. She is 3 weeks and has morning sickness. So I'm thinking she is. What kinds of problems are rumored to be true if a bitch gets pregnant in her first heat. Just looking for common answers. Then I'll call her vet.

      My dog is pregnant and it was her first heat?

      My dog is pregnant and it was her first heat? General Dog Discussions
    • It is not too late to get her spayed! The puppies will most likely have birth defects so be prepared for them all to die anyway. Also, since it was her first heat cycle she isn't fully devoloped mentally or physically so she probably won't be able to deliver the puppies. She will need a c section which will be over $1000, then if any of the puppies do actually live they will most likely need to be bottle fed every hour around the clock. She could end up killing the litter because she won't know how to care for them.

    • I'm going to hold my tongue. The puppies could turn out ok, or they could have serious deformities. When it comes to inbreeding, you never really know. You didn't mention the breed? Hopefully there is only a puppy or two, and not a huge litter. As for the female. What breed? If she is rather small, it will be a very bad situation. She will not be able to carry the pups to full term or birth them herself, so both she and the pups can die during childbirth. If she is of a larger breed, she will probably be able to carry the pups. There are different opinions about everything of course, but I've heard that going through pregnancy at a such a young age isn't good for the female. She is still growing and maturing, so having all her nutrients taken by the puppies can stunt her growth. Good luck to you, and please get her spayed after this litter. Make sure the puppies are spayed and neutered as well, we don't need inbred puppies breeding with others and passing possibly bad genes on.

    • Things happen..there is No sense in being rude. What's done is done. If you don't want to abort it's your decision. Best thing to in this case is to wait for puppies,buy a bottle and formula. Be prepared to help her just in case she doesn't know what to do..which is the case with fully adult dogs sometimes. Just use your best judgement.

    • If you were keeping a young female in the same house as her uncastrated father, what did you think would happen? You obviously didn't even find out enough about how long the heat would last, and when she would accept the attentions of a male dog. Females in heat will not allow a dog to mount until they are ready to conceive. Assuming you are going to get her spayed after this, you need to get her to the vet ASAP and have the op. done now, including aborting the puppies. I'm sorry if you find this distasteful but it will be the best way to make up to your poor little puppy for your stupid carelessness. She is still a puppy herself and quite unable to feed and look after a litter without severe damage to her growth and maturation. And what on earth are you going to do with the puppies if she has them? If you are honest with potential owners, nobody will want such inbred and badly- raised pups. There are millions of unwanted dogs in rescues all over the place, through no fault of their own. Please don't risk adding to them by giving your own puppy this bad start to life. And get the father castrated at the same time. This wouldn't have happens if you had done this in the first place.

    • Spay her - or risk first of all losing her or a c-section - or hand rearing the pups or the pups with severe health problems which are not always evident when born. Nice one to pass on to unsuspecting owners !!!The best way for her and her pups is to have a spay now.