How can I help my dog who has motion sickness during a car ride?

I have a little poodle who vomits when I drive at least 1 mile. the problem is soon we will have to drive him to another state (10 hour drive). How can I help him?

    How can I help my dog who has motion sickness during a car ride?

    I have a little poodle who vomits when I drive at least 1 mile. the problem is soon we will have to drive him to another state (10 hour drive). How can I help him?...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I help my dog who has motion sickness during a car ride?...

    • How can I help my dog who has motion sickness during a car ride?

      How can I help my dog who has motion sickness during a car ride? General Dog Discussions
      I have a little poodle who vomits when I drive at least 1 mile. the problem is soon we will have to drive him to another state (10 hour drive). How can I help him?

      How can I help my dog who has motion sickness during a car ride?

      How can I help my dog who has motion sickness during a car ride? General Dog Discussions
    • there is medicine that you can get from your vet to stop the motion sickness - my dog also gets sick and we also took him on a 10 hr drive and our vet gave us some pills that did the trick!good luck

    • I would give your dog something to do while you travel with him. Such as a toy, raw hide.Your dog may be nervous for all of the movement or not knowing were you are going...I hope this helps

    • I would speak with your vet and have her checked just to make sure its not something else. If it is motion sickness, they can prescribe something for it for that one day. Is she on your seat or looking out the window? She might need to look out the window.

    • You don't say how old your poodle is; most puppies suffer from car-sickness but grow out of it within a year or so. In the meantime, my vet recommended either a few drops of brandy in a little milk, or (worked like a dream!) a few drops of Rescue Remedy (from your local Health Food Store) in his water bowl for 24 hours before you leave. I can really recommend the Rescue Remedy - I am not a believer in alternative medicine, but it worked for my dog!

    • Feed a good while before you set off or skip the meal. Take rest stops so dog can toilet and give water but dont let the dog guzzle it down and only feed if you are doing a night stop ... if you are driving straight through feed dog when at destination.Hope you have a good trip and remember to take plenty of plastic bags just in case ;)