How do you keep your dog mellow when you're moving?

Me and my parents have been thinking of moving to another country. Thankfully it's only Canada, and we live near the border. We'll just drive there.Even then, that sounds like a burden. He's never even been in our car. We won't be moving for at least a…

    How do you keep your dog mellow when you're moving?

    Me and my parents have been thinking of moving to another country. Thankfully it's only Canada, and we live near the border. We'll just drive there.Even then, that sounds like a burden. He's never even been in our car. We won't be moving for at least a…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you keep your dog mellow when you're moving?...

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    • How do you keep your dog mellow when you're moving?

      How do you keep your dog mellow when you're moving? General Dog Discussions
      Me and my parents have been thinking of moving to another country. Thankfully it's only Canada, and we live near the border. We'll just drive there.Even then, that sounds like a burden. He's never even been in our car. We won't be moving for at least a year but I'm curious. How do you make sure they stay calm, and when you have moved how do you make it easier for them to get used to the new environment?I've googled it but I want to make sure.

      How do you keep your dog mellow when you're moving?

      How do you keep your dog mellow when you're moving? General Dog Discussions
    • When my hubby and I moved into our new home our maltese was very unsettled until the living room furniture from our old home was delivered(it was the only old furniture we kept)after we got the living room furniture in she settled down and began to relax.

    • If he's never been in your car, how have you taken him to the vet for his vaccinations and yearly check up (if he isn't a brand new puppy).That is one way you can get your dog used to the car, and see if the dog suffers from motion sickness. If he does have motion sickness there are medications for that. I think you're worrying too much. Its a year away, and dogs are fairly quick to adapt to new surroundings so long as their family unit stays intact. Just let the dog explore, keep the dog's routine the same as far as when the dog eats, where it sleeps etc., and you won't have a problem. for the ride to your new residence, I recommend crating the dog so he feels safe, and can't move around and get in the way where he can make someone wreck.

    • That's the great thing about dogs: they can adapt to almost anything. He'll probably just sniff around the new house/apartment/condo and be a little unsure about things for a couple of days, but he'll soon adapt. And when in the car, keep him on a leash and, with a firm grip, keep him by you and stop him from hopping around, jumping, and running everywhere he possibly can. If he barks, gently yank at his leash and say firmly, "No." It would probably be best, though, to buy a crate and put him in it for the ride. Or you can buy a dog seatbelt.

    • Well, My dog naturally loves the car. But, if he's never been in your car, a good way to warm him up is to take him for a short ride in the car. warm him up. do this for a little bit. gradually add time. like go for 5 minutes, to ten minutes to 15 minutes, so on. and when the big day comes, Bring a water bottle that you can pour into the water bowl. bring a little bag of food that you could feed him. I guess it depends on how long the ride is, but if it's really long, you might want to consider stopping and let your dog go to the bathroom. Bring a bag to pick up poo. You should bring his favourite toys. good luck!

    • 1. It depends on what type of animal you are referring to, and what size. I will assume you are talking about a dog, around medium size. Really, you can apply this to most animal situations when trying to accomplish what you want.2. Bring a familiar object with familiar scents with you in the car like a blanket they sleep with or a toy they snuggle with. Don't bring a toy they affiliate play and excitement with because that will raise the stress for both you and the dog in the car. If you don't have either of those to distract them, get some kind of raw-hid bone, or something distracting to keep their attention on that rather than the motion of the car or the fast object passing by the window.3. Before going on the trip, let the animal get familiar with the car, let them smell and look around the car to let them feel less confused when entering it for a long ride. Maybe even go on short rides with them in the car before you go on your big move like to the gas station or other convenience store.4. Bring treats, healthy treats, to reward him/her when they show the behavior you want of them, which I assume is calm, in the car.