What should I do after my puppy vomited?

She's vomiting white foam/bile, and I think it's because she was chewing on grass outside. Should I give her something to eat now or wait? Help! (Don't worry, I'm going to call a vet)

    What should I do after my puppy vomited?

    She's vomiting white foam/bile, and I think it's because she was chewing on grass outside. Should I give her something to eat now or wait? Help! (Don't worry, I'm going to call a vet)...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I do after my puppy vomited?...

    • What should I do after my puppy vomited?

      What should I do after my puppy vomited? General Dog Discussions
      She's vomiting white foam/bile, and I think it's because she was chewing on grass outside. Should I give her something to eat now or wait? Help! (Don't worry, I'm going to call a vet)

      What should I do after my puppy vomited?

      What should I do after my puppy vomited? General Dog Discussions
    • Well, my dog has been throwing up quite a lot lately, and its because she eats and drinks wayyy too fast. Yes, dogs do throw up from eating grass, but i dont think its something to be worried about. maybe call your vet to see if she maybe knows?

    • What she vomited was because she ate some grass, but dogs and puppy's do this when they have upset tummy's. It seems to me that the problem really lays with what your feeding her, it was probably to rich for her, being a puppy they have delicate digestive systems, so that's what needs sorting out. Talk to your vet about it, and then your puppy will do just fine.Leave out a meal or two during the day that she vomited, but she will recover normally and quickly on her own. Just leave fresh water down all the time. But get her on a food that suits her is the first priority really. Don't worry your puppy will be just fine, honest, puppies do sick up a lot and can worry the wits out of you, but like I said, they eat grass to settle their tummies and grass makes them vomit, so they know sub consciously what they are doing. Just nature and the dogs ways.However if sickness goes on for more than 2 days then yes off to the vet instantly. But I am sure you got nothing to worry about.

    • I just finished raising a puppy. Every tiny little thing freaked me out because dogs can't talk to tell you whats wrong. So I rushed to the vet all the time even over little things. It ended up being very costly. Judge the severity of what happened. Think about baby humans, how often do they get sick, vomit, have tummy aches? All the time. Most things just pass on their own and are not serious. I now judge whether or not I should go to the vet if the problem persists for the day, and if my dog is lethargic or ready to play more. As far as food. My dog loves yogurt. I give him like a tablespoon when he has an bad tummy and vomits foam or bile. But it should be PLAIN, as close to nature as possible (not Yoplait) It helps with digestion and if your dog is gassy. If you do go to the vet they will recommend boiled chicken and rice. Blended into a paste would be good, and small portions frequently.

    • Get your dog to the vet. The only reason they vomit white foam is when they are having a severe allergic reaction. I've got a cat that does this with certain types of flea dip. Grass would only purge them of what they have in their stomachs, and not make a white foam.