How to stop motion sickness for dogs?

My Puppy throws up whenever i take her on trips that sop suddenly. she never gets sick when where on the highway though. How can i stop the motion sickness? Does ginger really work for dogs too?

    How to stop motion sickness for dogs?

    My Puppy throws up whenever i take her on trips that sop suddenly. she never gets sick when where on the highway though. How can i stop the motion sickness? Does ginger really work for dogs too?...
    General Dog Discussions : How to stop motion sickness for dogs?...

    • How to stop motion sickness for dogs?

      How to stop motion sickness for dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My Puppy throws up whenever i take her on trips that sop suddenly. she never gets sick when where on the highway though. How can i stop the motion sickness? Does ginger really work for dogs too?

      How to stop motion sickness for dogs?

      How to stop motion sickness for dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • This is what my vet recommended and it does work. Go to the store and buy some ginger snaps. Not the iced ones, just plain. Give your dog a few of them before you get in the car. It helps to settle their stomach and makes them less likely to throw up. I have used them for several of my dogs and it really does help. It isn't a cure all for all dogs, but for some, it does the trick. Good luckSource(s):Lifelong dog owner and breederHorse owner and breeder

    • Keep in mind with puppies in cars, it's can be a combination of motion sickness and stress. The best thing to do is to take your pup on lots of short trips in the car to fun places - even if it is just around the block to the park. Do this frequently and then gradually increase the length of the trip. Waiting 3 hours after eating before getting in the car also helps.Most puppies outgrow this. Mine did.