Is my pups sickness anything to worry about?

He is almost 9 mos. old (Mini Aussie) and in the last week he has not really been eating very well, seems a little more tired, the whites of his eyes are red and he peed in the kennel once, which he doesn't normally do. It seems just like a virus or…

    Is my pups sickness anything to worry about?

    He is almost 9 mos. old (Mini Aussie) and in the last week he has not really been eating very well, seems a little more tired, the whites of his eyes are red and he peed in the kennel once, which he doesn't normally do. It seems just like a virus or…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is my pups sickness anything to worry about?...

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    • Is my pups sickness anything to worry about?

      Is my pups sickness anything to worry about? General Dog Discussions
      He is almost 9 mos. old (Mini Aussie) and in the last week he has not really been eating very well, seems a little more tired, the whites of his eyes are red and he peed in the kennel once, which he doesn't normally do. It seems just like a virus or something but am not sure.

      Is my pups sickness anything to worry about?

      Is my pups sickness anything to worry about? General Dog Discussions
    • You really need to get your dog to your vet. Some of the symptoms you list here, especially fatigue and loss of appetite, are definite indicators your puppy is not physically well. Also, the urinating incident could be a sign of a kidney infection, which is treatable with antibiotics. It's unlikely - but only in my opinion - it could be anything serious (such as cancer) since nine months isn't very old; and most major diseases strike older dogs (though not always). This is provided you have kept your pet up to date with all of his shots.Your best bet is to let his vet see him right away since he's been feeling ill for more than one day. Your dog probably just needs some medication and he'll be his regular self in no time!