How sick is my dog?

My Rhodesian Ridgeback of 16 months hasn't been able to keep anything down for 4 days. Is it just the flu and she'll get over it? What else could it be? We haven't taken her to the vet yet because it's not uncommon for her to have an upset stomach…

    How sick is my dog?

    My Rhodesian Ridgeback of 16 months hasn't been able to keep anything down for 4 days. Is it just the flu and she'll get over it? What else could it be? We haven't taken her to the vet yet because it's not uncommon for her to have an upset stomach…...
    General Dog Discussions : How sick is my dog?...

    • How sick is my dog?

      How sick is my dog? General Dog Discussions
      My Rhodesian Ridgeback of 16 months hasn't been able to keep anything down for 4 days. Is it just the flu and she'll get over it? What else could it be? We haven't taken her to the vet yet because it's not uncommon for her to have an upset stomach sometimes, but this has gone on way too long...any help is appreciated!

      How sick is my dog?

      How sick is my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • YES ITS SICK!!! take to the vet right now!! if she is up to date on her vaccines then I doubt its parvo but she could have an ubstruction or many other things.. pull her food and water and get her in to see the vet today.. 4 days is to long it will probably need some IV fluids and who knows what else without a proper exam it could be so many things.... please take it to the good luckDont forget...pull all food and water and call your vet and get her in not feed anything else until you find out what the problem is....

    • Hello. Four days is too long. Please give her some plain white or plain brown rice. See if she eats it. She may have an upset stomach or something worse. You want to give her only bland stuff now. Then call your vet and make an appointment especially if she is still not eating by tomorrow. Try the rice. I have done that with my dogs, and I breed little toy chihuahuas. Good Luck hope she is feeling better.

    • First of all, getting the flu is a very serious thing--not just a little cold. Next, have you been feeding her anything different? Sometimes dogs' stomachs react to new foods(she/he may be allergic to the food) Try to get her to a vet as soon as possible because her symptoms seem very serious and it may be the flu. However, if it is the flu, she needs medicine as soon as possible.

    • You really should consult a vet. If it's common for her to have upset stomachs, that's enough of a reason to get them checked out.I wonder if prehaps they have an allergy to something in their food, which I think is fairly common with Rhodesians.

    • First you need to make sure that she is not on a diet of any of the food that has been recently recalled. Next, she needs to go to the vet either way. It's fairly common for dogs (especially puppies) to get upset stomachs for any number of reasons, but 4 days is far too long to let it go on. Dogs don't really experience the "flu" like humans do. There are sicknesses that go around with them, but not so much with stomach viruses. There are hundreds of things that could be causing this. She could have eaten something strange, which could be hurting her stomach or causing blockage, or she could be reacting in some way to her diet, etc etc etc. Some things could resolve on their own, but there are many more serious things that could permanently damage or even kill her if not found in time. She needs to be seen by a vet to determine the real cause. Quickly!

    • If she has been throwing up for 4 days ... get her to the Vet. It could be something serious. Did you make sure you were not feeding her any of the recalled pet food? Has she gotten into anything? Is she acting any different then usual beside the throwing up? Take her to the vet!

    • I just took my boxer to the vet yesterday for this same problem. She was throwing up and having diareah. The vet told me that her temp. was fine and to just give her pepto or kaopectate. If it doesn't get better in a few days to call back! Good luck!

    • You're right, 4 days is too long. This is not just 'the flu' - and even if it was, 'flu can be fatal even in humans you know. Plus the symptoms of canine influenza are respiratory, not gastric.She will be dehydrated after 4 days of vomiting, and ideally will need to go on a drip, as she won't be able to keep oral rehydration down. You need to get this diagnosed before it goes any further - and you can't get diagnoses from Yahoo Answers.Chalice