My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash?

My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash?

    My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash?

    My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash?...
    General Dog Discussions : My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash?...

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    • My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash?

      My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash?

      My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash?

      My puppy's breath stinks can i wash it out with some mouth wash? General Dog Discussions
    • No, unless you want to end up with a violently sick pup.What are you feeding him? Take him in to the vet for a checkup - bad breath can be a sign of some serious health problems. If he passes with a clean bill of health, invest in a doggy toothbrush and toothpaste and keep that dog's mouth clean.

    • erm ok maybe u should by like a baby toothpaste instead but then how would the dog no how to spit it out no i wouldnt you mouthwash give it some of them chewy toys coz that makes it produce salvia which makes your teeth whiter and helps keep bacteria away actually why not dip the chewy toy in mouthwash so it still gets into its mouth yeah u should do that

    • No... Go buy a Greenie or a rawhide... A rawhide will get the plaque off of its teeth... Even brush it's teeth... Here are some links on it... luck

    • NO! Most mouthwashes contain alcohol. They're made for human use. If your puppy has bad breath, you should take him to the vet's. There are a number of systemic illnesses that manifest themselves as bad breath, and you want to rule them out, first. Then your vet can direct you to breath fresheners that are okay for dog use.

    • Yes. You may have to get it from a vet. There are products in pet stores for breath you can try too.Make sure you are feeding a premium dog food. A poor quality food can cause bad breath. Make sure there is no corn or by-products in the food. Don't buy the food at the grocery store, or target, walmart or other such stores. You have to get the good food at pet stores. Ask for good stuff. Bad teeth can cause stinky breath, but since it's a puppy, food is the culprit

    • I would say to first check your puppy's mouth to make sure nothing is caught in it's teeth, then you could get some dog toothpaste, don't use human and brush his teeth and tongue. You could also buy him a greenie, it cleans teeth, helps digestion and does help with the breath.

    • I wouldn't use human mouth wash, I would use doggie mouth wash. And if you're puppy's breath stinks, he/she may have problems with his/her kidneys. My dog went into kidney failure and the first symptom we noticed was bad breath.

    • Okay definetely do NOT put mouth wash in his water. When your dog drinks the water he'll be drinking all of it. He cant in any way possible drink the water without the mouthwash too.Also, so and so was right. Mouthwash contains alchohol and even in small amounts is highly fatal to dogs.Pet stores sell a lot of products for doggie bad breath.However, most are scam and do not work.Look out for the doggie mints. You'll waste your money.And also those cheap dog mouthwashs with cartoon doggies on the front? Waste of time.I like the fact people have been telling you to use doggie toothpaste and a doggie brush. Unfortunately, you have to remove the odor first. Once the odor is gone, you can PREVENT it by brushing! Im not sure what kind of dog you have, but a regular brushing never hurt any dog.I reccomend you trying this product: Wysong Dentatreat.You can find this at most pet stores, and if not, im sure they can order it for you. Its a white powder that is sprinkled in your dogs food. Ive heard feedback from at least 20 people saying it completely eliminated their dog's bad breath. It is a product made by Dr. Wysong. Most of his products are natural and trusting.

    • Don't give it mouthwash!!!!he'll swallow it and vomit and (other end) everywhere.If you feed him wet food, give him dog had horrible breath, but we had her on the little pouches since she was a puppy. we switched her to dry food and her breath got so much better. her teeth were a lot cleaner too.They have little raw-hide like chew toys that help clean the teeth too.and there are also "toothbrushes" for them. it comes in a little box and it's like a really long Q-tip and a little packet of gel you just rub on their dog loves it, and she's the most finnicky son-of-a-gun i've ever seen.if it still isnt getting better, you might want to bring him to the vet. it could be a gum or throat disease.good luck!

    • No. A puppies breath shouldn't really stink. You should use dog toothpaste, but before you would do that, check his or her mouth and make sure there isn't any kind of sore. If there is a sore, that would be why his or her breath stinks. For a sore you'd be best going to a vet to get it checked out.

    • NEVER use tooth paste or mouth wash with a dog only people!If your dogs breath really stinks then there r these types of bones that make your dog teeth white and also thats care of its breath you can find the bones at PetSmart or Petco.