Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund?

Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund?

    Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund?

    Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund?...

    • Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund?

      Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund? General Dog Discussions
      Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund?

      Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund?

      Can anyone tell me a website thst shows everything you need for your mini dachshund? General Dog Discussions
    • I don't know of a site, but I you can go to any major pet store and they will tell you/show you.I can tell you the basics:Water bowlFood bowlFoodLeashCollarDoggie LicenseTravel Kennel aka carrying crate (for vet visits at least)Doggie Bed (maybe)Toys (Balls, chew toys, etc.)BrushFlea Soap/ShampooFlea Collar (maybe)Some doxies need a blanket to sleep under b/c they are coldAlso be prepared for holes in the back yard. This breed was made for digging after badgers and rabbits for hunters and many have never given up the habit.

    • This site has ALOT of into on care and training: recently got a Standard Doxie pup and shes the cutest thing alive! :] Here is what I bought prior (or during) her coming home:- 2 bowls (one for food and one for water)I would suggest metal bowls or ceramic .. I had plastic and they moved everytime my other dog ate and one actually grew mold underneath it! Ew.- A collar and leash and harness. A collar you can actually wait on if you want to. I bought a nylon adjustable collar for when my pup gets older. I also bought a harness for her, since Doxie's are prone to back problems my breeder suggested a nylon harness. I also bought a matching leash.Now this is a personal preference, but I NEVER leave my dogs collars/harness's on in the house. I get very nervous and am afraid it might get caught on something.- You should be getting a bag of food from your breeder that the puppy has been on. You can either stick with this food, or change their food GRADUALLY over a 2 week period. My breeder fed her dogs Canidae ( ) which is an excellent food! Now I feed my Doxie Innova Puppy food .. ( ). Do your research on some good quality food as Doxie's can easily get over weight. You can also check out Solid Gold, Nutro (the Hollistic brand) and Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul.- You will need a crate also for potty training. Make sure you get a crate that is JUST big enough for your pup to stand up, turn around and be comfy. Too big or he/she will pee/poo in the crate. I couldnt find a small enough one so I found one that has a divider in it. Bring your pup along to your local Petsmart and they will be able to help you out.- A nice comfy dog bed will be nice.- Treats :]- Toys- Make a vet appointment BEFORE you get the dog. I made my vet appointment the afternoon I picked up my dog. That way I picked her up and straight to the vet she went. Your vet will also tell you about Flea/Tick/Heartworm Preventatives and Vaccinations.- You can also get Tags made for your dog. You will get the rabies tag I think at a later date. I actually forgot to ask my vet about my pups rabies tag! This just reminded me LOL But yes, my local petsmart has a 'tag maker' and you should put your name, address and phone number on the tags. I get new tags made every few years or once they get all tarnished.- Ask your vet about Microchipping your dog! If you're dog EVER gets out and gets lost, this will help bring him back to you. They just insert the chip once they do the dogs spay/neutering (which should be done around 6-8 months of age).- You should also invest in at least 2 baby gates. This helped me alot with my new pup. If I had to run to the bathroom for a quick second, I would just close off my living room and the stairs w/ the baby gates that way she is just in the living room and doesnt wander. I used this for blocking off stairs also (I block the stairs for my other dog anyway).- Since Doxie's are prone to back problems .. it is best to limit their jumping and stair usage. I bought these pet stairs at petsmart for about 75 bucks (on sale). These are GREAT! It took my doxie awhile before she got used to using the stairs, but its well worth the investment.- Another thing I recommend asking your breeder is the right way to hold them. They can show you real quick. I read up about how to hold them so it doesnt put so much pressure on their backs and it really helped me too. Its always good to be safe that sorry!This is all I can think of right now. Hope this helps! and Good luck w/ your new dog! :]

    • As an educated doxie owner (BTW congratulations!) you will want to be aware of the signs of disc disease (IVDD). Hopefully your pup does not have this genetically inherited disease. Symptoms IF your dog does have IVDD usually manifest themselves at age 4-6 years old.Print out this flyer and put it in your doxies folder. In case of emergency you will be able to act fact to ward off paralysis. Also in times of emergency it is hard to think when your pup is in pain...this way you'll have good information at your fingertips.I wish you and your pup many happy healthy years together!