My 9 week old puppy just had the parvovirus, does she need to have her shots over?

my doctor recommended that i have all of her shots done again. however i forgot to ask why this is necessary. does anyone have any idea?she has had 2 of her 3 sets of shots already. originally she was scheduled for Dec 22 for her third and final set. my…

    My 9 week old puppy just had the parvovirus, does she need to have her shots over?

    my doctor recommended that i have all of her shots done again. however i forgot to ask why this is necessary. does anyone have any idea?she has had 2 of her 3 sets of shots already. originally she was scheduled for Dec 22 for her third and final set. my…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 9 week old puppy just had the parvovirus, does she need to have her shots over?...

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    • My 9 week old puppy just had the parvovirus, does she need to have her shots over?

      My 9 week old puppy just had the parvovirus, does she need to have her shots over? General Dog Discussions
      my doctor recommended that i have all of her shots done again. however i forgot to ask why this is necessary. does anyone have any idea?she has had 2 of her 3 sets of shots already. originally she was scheduled for Dec 22 for her third and final set. my doc said she thinks she should basically have them redone. im just confused why.and yes she is alive. thankfully the Parvo was caught very early and after only two days of constant care her symptoms have gone away

      My 9 week old puppy just had the parvovirus, does she need to have her shots over?

      My 9 week old puppy just had the parvovirus, does she need to have her shots over? General Dog Discussions
    • Was she sick with parvo? if she had parvo and recovered she may not ever need another parvo vaccine again.. however still needs her other vaccines, distepmer, hepititis etc.. or are you asking about if as a puppy she needs more than one set of shots?Puppies need several "boosters" 3-4 weeks apart till they are at or just over 16 weeks.. then a repeat at one year.. then every 1-3 years(depending on what vaccine) as adults..

    • No they don't have to be redone. Once she's totally healthy she can go in for her third set and then in for her rabies shot - Make sure rabies is given BY ITSELF. The entire puppy series does NOT need to be redone.

    • When you take her back into the vet for starting the shot series over again; ask your vet. Now for your wondering now, more than likely the vaccine regime that your pup received wasn't enough for your dog's immune system. So it probably needs more. A couple reason maybe because its mother was never vaccinated on a regular schedule so it didn't early defenses from its mom. Or your yard or where you walk your dog could be heavily invested with the virus from a previous dog. Did your vet tell you how to treat your yard? If not I would call him & ask.