why should i buy a puppie?

why should i buy a dog, please give me reasons why i should and why i shouldnt, thank you.

    why should i buy a puppie?

    why should i buy a dog, please give me reasons why i should and why i shouldnt, thank you....
    General Dog Discussions : why should i buy a puppie?...

    • why should i buy a puppie?

      why should i buy a puppie? General Dog Discussions
      why should i buy a dog, please give me reasons why i should and why i shouldnt, thank you.

      why should i buy a puppie?

      why should i buy a puppie? General Dog Discussions
    • if you buy a dog it will help you when you have nobody else to be with. You can play with it when your bored. They're cute. A good reason to exersice. There are endless reasons they are soo much fun. The only down part is they can be hard to take care for depending on the breed.

    • Don't buy a puppy. Adopt one from your local shelter. There are too many dogs who end up unwanted at shelters because their companions were not responsible to spay and neuter their pets. Save a life and adopt.

    • Why do you ask unless you are thinking about it? They make wonderful companions if you train it right. Just don't mix discipline with love. Once it is trained, it will be a rewarding experience to have a buddy by your side.

    • should: you may get bored and they are soft and when you are on punishment. their poop is your excuse to get out of the houseshouldn't: they poop alot and you have to pick it up tear up furniture and parents will go crazy if come home to see scratches all in their couchs and dishes all over the place

    • Should-good friend for life, never judges, lots of funShouldn't-requires daily care, puppies require training and shots (lots of them), spaying and neutering.And adult dog may have problems with behavior, etc, and you will still have to spay/neuter if they aren't already.If you can:Commit to feeding/watering dailyExercise (really exercising, not just a plodding walk) 2 times a day minimumPatience while housebreakingTaking the dog to an obedience class to learn basic mannersRegular bathing groomingShots and other vet careThen a dog is a wonderful rewarding pet. The above items are MINIMUM requirements for a dog, and these should be taken care of before buying cute collars and fun accessories.

    • dogsare really the best frends u can ever hope 4 but b4 buyng 1 u will have to be ready 4 a lot f commitment its jus lik gettng a baby>>>> u will have to b ready to take care f it a t all times>>>sacrifice e few long hoildays>>>have to have enuf money for its well being >> but it is worth all ths1! it will b tere 4 u guard u lik its own mind and soul knw exactly wat mood etc u r in knw ewen ur in trouble b tere 4 u! and give u a LENDING PAW! its worth it

    • You should get a puppy/dog if you're prepared to take care of it, have time to spend with it and make it part of your life, and can afford to feed it and pay for vet care. You shouldn't buy a puppy/dog if you're not prepared to do those things. It's a big commitment.

    • The good thing about a puppy is that they are playful, you can teach them all the tricks you want , and they make great pals. The only bad thing (for some people) is that you should stay home with them alot. It wouldn't work out if you are at work for most of the day because the puppy can get bored and destroy your furniture or start peeing everywhere. When your home the dog becomes more attched to you and it makes it easier to train.

    • Is your question about having a dog as a pet in general, or the pros and cons of getting a puppy vs an adult dog?The benefit of having a dog/pup as a pet is for unconditional love and companionship, if you are willing to give of yourself as well. There is no other "relationship", like that of a dog.Your dog is always happy to see you, will always be there for you, entertain you, and protect you if need be.A puppy can be alot of fun, but takes alot of work. Count on 6-9 months of accidents in the house, chewed up shoes and furniture, and sleepless nights. Puppies tend to be more expensive from the onset, in addition to all the vaccines and supplies you will need.An older dog is great as he is usually already potty trained and may also know some basic commands. If you are rescuing him from a shelter, he will be forever grateful and that much more devoted to you. You will need to work on getting to know him better, vs the puppy but the reward will be well worth it.

    • You should buy a dog because; for someone to play with, if you are lonely, to hug, and to be your friend.You should not buy a dog because; you have to clean up after it, and the stuuf the dog needs when you are at the vet are very expensive.