How do I keep my border collie from jumping over my 6-7 foot fence?

I have two border collies - brother and sister - about 2 years old. The male keeps jumping of my fence and it is about to fall over. I can't catch him doing it anymore when I'm home but when I'm away the neighbors complain. Is there a better way than…

    How do I keep my border collie from jumping over my 6-7 foot fence?

    I have two border collies - brother and sister - about 2 years old. The male keeps jumping of my fence and it is about to fall over. I can't catch him doing it anymore when I'm home but when I'm away the neighbors complain. Is there a better way than…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I keep my border collie from jumping over my 6-7 foot fence?...

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    • How do I keep my border collie from jumping over my 6-7 foot fence?

      How do I keep my border collie from jumping over my 6-7 foot fence? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have two border collies - brother and sister - about 2 years old. The male keeps jumping of my fence and it is about to fall over. I can't catch him doing it anymore when I'm home but when I'm away the neighbors complain. Is there a better way than a shock collar or an electric fence?

      How do I keep my border collie from jumping over my 6-7 foot fence?

      How do I keep my border collie from jumping over my 6-7 foot fence? Dog Breed Discussions
    • HiI have 5 aussie shepherds & work with many rescue groups.How often and how long are you walking the dogs, off your property, or visiting a dog park? A dog that is an escape artist like that is trying to tell you--hey! there's a big world I want to see and "leave my mark" on!! Is he neutered? If not he could be in search of love. Electric fence? SHOCK collar? Please, neither!!

    • You can train a dog to respect the "boundary" of your yard, but it requires a good amount of patient training - but it sounds like they only get out if you're not home, so training them while you're home might not work if they don't show the behavior when you're home and therefore you can't correct them.The first step is going to be not leaving them outside unsupervised, especially if you are not home. When you're not home, your dogs should be inside your home or in a secure outdoor kennel. If you are keeping them inside, you will want to either leave them loose in the house if they can be trusted not to tear things up, in a crate, or confined to a dog-safe space or room. If you're willing to build an outdoor kennel and run, that might be a second option. Many places sell pre-fab chain-link kennel kits that are easily put together and installed outdoors. They are usually much taller than an average fence, and you can optionally install chain-link panels as a "roof" so the dogs can't climb out.

    • Gotta go with an electric shock collar for when they get to close to the fence. This will not hurt them, unless they attempt escape. Worked great on my pit bull, I don't ever want her to get loose for people to take as dog fighting is pretty bad in my area.Also try and walk the living be jesus out of him, get a doggy backpack and put in a few weights, this will tire him out a lot of luck

    • I say add some more materails to the top of the fence and dig down about 3-4ft and put some sort of netting so he doesnt dig his way out,have you thought about neutering him?it might help with his need to get out.when you dont give a border collie a job he will go find his own,so have you thought about agility,flyball,search & rescue theres plenty out there to do.i have a 2 year old border collie and dont have fences around my property but she just lyes outside basking in the sun with cattle in the field next to her,good luck and i hope you dont loose your dog.

    • i think that your dogs are not getting enough exercise...i'm talking all out running, hiking,fetching etc we have three male hunting dogs and when it's not hunting season they must be exercised until they are tired (body and mind) or they get in trouble(leaving the yard). Is he neutered?