what do I need to buy for my new pug puppy?

I am getting a Pug in about a month and I want to make sure I have everything I need for him.....can you help me out? THANKS!!!

    what do I need to buy for my new pug puppy?

    I am getting a Pug in about a month and I want to make sure I have everything I need for him.....can you help me out? THANKS!!!...
    General Dog Discussions : what do I need to buy for my new pug puppy?...

    • what do I need to buy for my new pug puppy?

      what do I need to buy for my new pug puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I am getting a Pug in about a month and I want to make sure I have everything I need for him.....can you help me out? THANKS!!!

      what do I need to buy for my new pug puppy?

      what do I need to buy for my new pug puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • The essentials are: collar, leash, crate, food and water bowls, a good quality dog food, a few toys, and it's a good idea to invest in a good dog training book. Don't go overboard with fancy accessories and things that he doesn't really need, but DO make sure you set aside enough money to cover his medical care. A puppy's most expensive costs are going to come from taking him to the vet and keeping him current on his vaccines, but those are things that he can't go without.

    • ask the breeder what kind of food they've been feeding him/her, how much and how many times a day. you don't need a leash and coller right away but you should have tags ready when the time comes to walk him/her, if you want to house train your dog buy a LOT of newspaper, buy a lot of toys too if you don't have any already, buy a small crate if you do a lot of traveling and a small bed or pillow if you don't want him/her to sleep on your bed. good luck with your new puppy!!

    • Food?Food bowls?Water bowls?Collar and tag?Bedding?Toys? (some breeders give you toys anyway. my pugs' gave me about 6 of 'em. and a food bowl. and container. and a folder. and a pillow and vitamins)Leash?Poop bags?Training treats?Sign up for puppy classes? (for socialisation mainly)Grooming brush?Towel?Puppy shampoo?Nail dremel or clipper?Ear wipes/baby wipes to clean ears?Since i own two pugs heres a few tips.Pugs are quite food motivated so treats are a must. Preferably low fat ones.Youll want to clean out its nose wrinkle every other day usually. Rub a small amount of vaseline on the nose under the wrinkle afterwards to keep it from drying out.A grooming brush youll need for Pugs is a slicker brush to help rake out the undercoat. They shed quite a bit so dont wear alot of black if youre having a fawn pug.Positive reinforcement works well for Pugs. Occasionly pugs can be quite stubborn but with lots of training and consistency you can help rid them of this annoying little trait. hehe. Enrole it into puppy classes for socialisation. Dont let it walk you on walks either. It may be a cute squashy little bundle of fun but its just like any other dog when it comes to training. It still needs a pack leader and not an over indulgent mother. Im going to be showing my Pug soon. Try thinking of fun hoobies you can do together if that interests you.

    • You need:food and water bowlsa leash and collara crate or dog beddog food and treatschew toysdog shampooa dog brushtennis ballsa fenced yarda good area in your neighborhood for dog walking and/or a nearby dog parka good vet and trainermore love than you know what to do with

    • You should buy:1.) A nice comfortable dog bed and soft comfy blankets2.) chew toys 3.) Treats to train4.) a cage big enough for them to move around in5.) newspapers for potty training6.) proper food for that specific dog7.) shampoo to bath/brushes and combsHere is a list that has a more thorough list of what else is needed for your puppy:http://www.raisingspot.com/adopting/new-puppy-supply-listGood luck and congrats!

    • * crate * food and water bowls * food and maybe some treats for training * collar and leash * bed * toys, especially chew toys * stain- and odor-removing cleaners * possibly some baby gates to block off sections of your house http://tighturl.com/1vu3