How to stop Dog Peeing ?

I have a 1 1/2 yr old male beagle and a almost 6 yr old male lab/chow mix. I've never had any problems before with the lab until I've gotten my beagle. I've had the beagle for about 5 months. They do get along but recently have started peeing on the…

    How to stop Dog Peeing ?

    I have a 1 1/2 yr old male beagle and a almost 6 yr old male lab/chow mix. I've never had any problems before with the lab until I've gotten my beagle. I've had the beagle for about 5 months. They do get along but recently have started peeing on the…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to stop Dog Peeing ?...

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    • How to stop Dog Peeing ?

      How to stop Dog Peeing ? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 1 1/2 yr old male beagle and a almost 6 yr old male lab/chow mix. I've never had any problems before with the lab until I've gotten my beagle. I've had the beagle for about 5 months. They do get along but recently have started peeing on the carpet/ sofas. I'm not up when they do it and don't know which one it is. I have gotten Resolve For Pet Stains and Arm/Hammers Carpet and Fabric Pet Fresh Stain Eliminator. These are now not working. I have 2 large stains and they are continueing to pee all around the rug and now started on the ends of the sofas. I am at my wits end as to how to stop them. I've thought about covering the sofa's with plastic and putting down several puppy pads on the floors at night, this would soon get expensive. Please help in any way. Getting rid of dogs are not acceptable.

      How to stop Dog Peeing ?

      How to stop Dog Peeing ? General Dog Discussions
    • As soon as u notice the pee, bring both of them to the place and start scolding them or beat them lightly to make them understand. Punish both of them-give equal treatment:do not give them their favorite food one day(i know its kind of cruel)One of them is actually peeing to show to the other one that it is his territory. Its up to you t make them understand that they both belong here!

    • Best option is to crate the dogs when you are not right there to watch them.Added: DO NOT punish a dog after the deed is long done and it makes NO SENSE to punish both dogs if one had nothing to do with this (you just don't know which did). You NEED to catch the dog in the act and address it accordingly WHEN IT HAPPENS or you are wasting your time addressing it later.Crate the dogs at nite, so they don't have run of the home and don't let them out of your sight during the day time, at all. If you must, either tether them to you or crate when you can't watch them.

    • It might help to start over with house training as if they were pups. Supervise them when they go out to do their business, and either praise them, give them a treat, or both, when they go out there. You will also need to keep them confined somehow while you sleep until you get the situation under control. Either a crate, pen, or room with a door or gate will be fine. If they are going to pee everywhere while you sleep, then there is no other choice. The more they go there, the harder it will be to break the habit.Also, you might want to have them see the vet to rule out a urinary tract infection that would be making them pee more. You also might want to invest in a SpotBot to take care of the stains. It's saving my sanity (and my carpet) right now (I'm in the process of house training a puppy). They are about $100, but SO worth it, and can be used on any stain even after your pee problem is solved. Don't know if I helped, but good luck!EDIT - The first poster gave you the worst possible advice! I'm sure you already know, but scolding them (and especially beating them, however lightly) long after the fact will do NOTHING. In fact, it will make things much worse. Also, dogs do not understand things like lost privileges. If you don't give them something they love, they will never be able to connect the loss of that thing with their peeing on the carpets. It is also completely ridiculous to punish both when only one may be at fault. Again, I'm sure you already know all of this, but I couldn't just let it be!

    • There are several things you can try... First of all, you can try Spirit Essences... they make specific remedies for stress or bullying or order in the pack etc. Am adding a link to their site for you.Second you can try energy therapy EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a drug free therapy that really works on animals and humans too. You can download a free manual from the EFT site.Good luck and don't give up on the dogs!

    • Your problem is simply 2 MALE dogs in the same territory. Since you already had the male lab/chow you should have gotten a female beagle. They're peeing on everything because they're marking their territory. When one pees, the other comes along with, or right behind, him and does the same thing. You should have already started disciplinary actions to make the dogs understand that peeing in the house is, altogether, a "no-no."Do not cover the furniture or put down puppy pads at night. That will only encourage the same behavior. Separate the dogs and keep them separated.They're lucky they don't belong to me or both of them would have already ended up in the animal shelter. But, on second thought, maybe their owner should be dropped off there. Why do you tolerate it, and why did you feel the need to bring a hunting dog into the house?

    • I have the smae kinda problem you do, I have a 11 mth old Shepard mix and a 3 yr old pit/lab mix. Mine arnt just peeing but they are pooping also. I have tried to leave them out at night and let them in in the morning. When i let them in in the morning if I go back to bed then I wake up with in like an hr they have peed and pooped in the floor ( not couch though) what I have been doing about the smell and stains in renting the carpet cleaning machines you can get like at kroger and doing that about once a month or more. But my problem also is that my lab mix never had any problems till I got the other so I dont think its her, but I have never caught either one so I dont know for sure. Good luck and let me know if you have any suggestions. I agree that getting rid of this is not an anwser, they are like my kids.