A month later, old owners came back to claim puppy...can we still keep her?

What would happen if I found a young puppy with no collar (apparently it fell off) and I wait a few weeks and no one claims her, then a month and a half later while I'm out walking her, the old owners see her and want her back? Would I have to give her…

    A month later, old owners came back to claim puppy...can we still keep her?

    What would happen if I found a young puppy with no collar (apparently it fell off) and I wait a few weeks and no one claims her, then a month and a half later while I'm out walking her, the old owners see her and want her back? Would I have to give her…...
    General Dog Discussions : A month later, old owners came back to claim puppy...can we still keep her?...

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    • A month later, old owners came back to claim puppy...can we still keep her?

      A month later, old owners came back to claim puppy...can we still keep her? General Dog Discussions
      What would happen if I found a young puppy with no collar (apparently it fell off) and I wait a few weeks and no one claims her, then a month and a half later while I'm out walking her, the old owners see her and want her back? Would I have to give her back still ? Even if I have invested vet care and had her spayed?

      A month later, old owners came back to claim puppy...can we still keep her?

      A month later, old owners came back to claim puppy...can we still keep her? General Dog Discussions
    • Make them prove its their puppy- by a microchip, etc. otherwise there is no proof that they didn't just see the puppy and decide they want it. If you put signs up, notified animal shelters, etc- and its been 6 weeks they most likely would have found you by now- if you DID try to find the owners I would say she is yours- however- if you didn't you legally you probably should have and they may have a right to the dog.

    • BS on the collar falling off. 9 times out of 10 - the collar either doesn't exist or is sitting at home with the cluebag owner.(wife runs a petsitting co and catches strays all the time - amazing how many owned pets are let to run around unleashed w/no ID tags!)I would ask the owners to reimburse me for all the vet care and food. If they do - I'd be open to giving the puppy back. Otherwise - see you on Judge Judy.

    • Call a lawyer and ask them. It don't cost to ask them a ?. But in Illinois if you have something in you possession for over 30 days it is legally yours.

    • I would keep her. Those could be people on the road, walking around, and they see your dog. They could be like "Ooh, look at that dog! Let's get her!"Now, that could be their dog, but if they REALLY cared, they would have put more work into finding her.Like I said, keep her.

    • i wouldnt i would just say u must be mistaking i just bought this dog from the pound not to long a go :} and there is a lesh law so he could get in trouble for that if he trys to bring law in to it

    • I don't think you should have to because you have put money into taking care of her. Plus if they really wanted her back they would have fliers put up.

    • umm i don't think so, if they offer you money and take the puppy off ur hands then probably yea. But if she is registered to you then maybe no, they won't take it, but if the old owners left their puppy for 1 month and half and didnt get the puppy right away. That's would be considered animal cruelty and you registered the puppy right then he's i think legally yours

    • Dont give her back unless you see that it is their dog if they have a license make them show you.And awlays have a parent with you. If they show you that the dog is theirs then i am afraid you have to give him back.

    • If you tried to find the owners and they didn't respond in a 6-week period then I would say she is yours. You did invest in vet care and spaying so I wouldn't give her back without putting up a fight.

    • YesIf you had not posted signs that you found the pup, had not had the dog checked for a microchip, had not called all the surrounding shelters or posting ads in your local newspaper..of course they can ask for her back.In fact if they wanted to they could take you to court, bring proof that it is their pup, they can show the court what measures they have taken to locate their missing pup, you better be able to show proof that you tried to find the owner. As for having the dog spayed you would be lucky if they don't sue you as you definitely did not waste any time only having the pup just over 1 month and she has already had surgery.You had no right to have any surgical procedure done on the pup and you should only have been searching for the owner instead of claiming the pup as yours.Pups do not just fall from the sky and owners do not go door to door asking people if they have their missing pup.If they are the pups owners all they have to prove and show to the courts is that they have been searching for their pup (i.e.ads, signs messages at vets and or shelters, etc), have the breeder's sales receipt, contract/s, vet bills, possible microchip and pictures of the pup with them. I don't believe you just found the pup without a collar....I don't believe you waited a few weeks for anyone to claim the pup...I think you simply decided to keep it and hoped that the real owners never found you.But of course time will tell and then I am sure the courts will make the decision in their favor.ADD::: WOW I just read through your questions !You have alot of questions on pups and dogs ... questions on strays, getting a new pup, training etc etc etc I think you are full of it .. Once proven that the pups belongs to them give the pup back IMMEDIATELY !

    • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhBEWgLNVYLSmCjiCh0ll5Tty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100715205059AACWkOT three weeks ago the only dog you had was a 12-15 week old JRT MALE pup.so either you are full of shit or you haven't had the pup that long and are trying to claim a lost pup as your own.GIVE THE DOG BACK.

    • If you alerted posted flyers saying you'd found her, let the animal shelters know and given photos to them, and it has been more than a month, you don't need to give her backEspecially if they can't prove that she is there's.

    • Well.....this is what we call a sticky wicket. I would guess SOME of this could depend on which state you are in. HERE...if a stray ends up in my possession I make 3 calls (with a full dog description) right away:Local humane societyThe newspaperThe policeI'll hold the dog for two weeks - During that time I watch the newspaper lost and found like a hawk. If it appears to be a pure bred dog I also cruise the internet looking for a missing - stolen purebred dog alert. After that time... I can rehome it. In one legal situation the dog's owner had deceased. The man's immediate family had been notified that I held the dog. I kept the dog for THREE MONTHS in case someone from the family had second thoughts. It was a very well bred, very well trained dog. After 3 months no one ever contacted me about him (the local authorities KNEW the dog was in my possession). I rehomed the dog to the perfect family.So, ...did you let it be known to the public that you had found a dog? Had you had the pup out in public spaces to be seen ...or did you keep it sequestered in your yard until you invested money into it? Did you run a found ad in the paper or on the radio. A lot of those ads are freebies. If the people who are claiming to be the owners of this puppy WERE indeed looking for him (and had left contact information with the proper authorities)...you could have a serious fight on your hands. If it was MY puppy...and there was no substantiating evidence that you had made an honest attempt to find me....I'd be coming after my puppy. No doubt about it.So,,,,did it appear to be a purebred dog? Just curious..ADDED: legitI don't know how people can search up your past FB entries, but something sure smells fishy about this post. I sincerely HOPE you didn't just keep this puppy hidden thinking that was gonna work in your favor.