Is This What They Use In Puppy Mills?

I was on Craigslist a minute ago and came accross this ad. I clicked on it, and what do you know there was a picture. Here's the ad: that the kind of "kennel" they use in puppy mills?

    Is This What They Use In Puppy Mills?

    I was on Craigslist a minute ago and came accross this ad. I clicked on it, and what do you know there was a picture. Here's the ad: that the kind of "kennel" they use in puppy mills?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is This What They Use In Puppy Mills?...

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    • Is This What They Use In Puppy Mills?

      Is This What They Use In Puppy Mills? General Dog Discussions
      I was on Craigslist a minute ago and came accross this ad. I clicked on it, and what do you know there was a picture. Here's the ad: that the kind of "kennel" they use in puppy mills?

      Is This What They Use In Puppy Mills?

      Is This What They Use In Puppy Mills? General Dog Discussions
    • That's the kind of kennel that's used by many vets and groomers.Puppymills wouldn't be spending that kind of money on a kennel that only has 5 cages.EDIT: "Not all puppy mills are run down back yards operations. There are some very well organized mill breeders who invest in good equipment in order to keep their breeding dogs healthy enough to continue to produce a product for them."I don't call those puppymills, I call them commercial breeders.

    • That is the type of kennel used by vets and groomers (of course the one in question looks like its seen better days). Millers wouldn't spend money on anything like that - they usually have crude cages made out of materials like wood and chicken wire or cheap wire dog crates. There are some links below to show examples...

    • i have to agree with bassett, that reminds me of the one my dogs go in when they are at the vet recovering from a surgery. pet stores use them, and so do groomers when they're waiting for the dogs to be picked up or bathed. the puppymill cages i've seen are crappy, usually something thrown together from 2x4's from the dump and old chicken wire...that's far too nice for a puppy mill.

    • Not all puppy mills are run down back yards operations. There are some very well organized mill breeders who invest in good equipment in order to keep their breeding dogs healthy enough to continue to produce a product for them.I am TOTALLY against puppy mills and back yard breeders by the way.

    • No. Usually puppy mills use wire crates, where even the bottom are wire. Then all the poop and pee ends up in the bottom crate. It's much worse than those.Those are the sorts of things I've seen at the local shelter for the cats, at the vet's or at the groomer's.

    • No, those are the kind they have at the Vet I volunteer at, the ones at puppy-mills are generally around 6' x 10' to 12' and they have around 6 to 10 dogs in one, well depending on the size of the dog.