I have a new Shar Pei mix puppy. The vet has given him a flea treatment and put him on antibiotics. He's still?

scratching and chewing at himself. Is there something that I can do for his skin ir the fleas? I don't see any, but he must still have them if he's scratching and chewing at himself. Right?

    I have a new Shar Pei mix puppy. The vet has given him a flea treatment and put him on antibiotics. He's still?

    scratching and chewing at himself. Is there something that I can do for his skin ir the fleas? I don't see any, but he must still have them if he's scratching and chewing at himself. Right?...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a new Shar Pei mix puppy. The vet has given him a flea treatment and put him on antibiotics. He's still?...

    • I have a new Shar Pei mix puppy. The vet has given him a flea treatment and put him on antibiotics. He's still?

      I have a new Shar Pei mix puppy. The vet has given him a flea treatment and put him on antibiotics. He's still? General Dog Discussions
      scratching and chewing at himself. Is there something that I can do for his skin ir the fleas? I don't see any, but he must still have them if he's scratching and chewing at himself. Right?

      I have a new Shar Pei mix puppy. The vet has given him a flea treatment and put him on antibiotics. He's still?

      I have a new Shar Pei mix puppy. The vet has given him a flea treatment and put him on antibiotics. He's still? General Dog Discussions
    • could be allergies than. How many days has he been on the medication? What what the flea treatment your were given. Was it drops that go on the back of the neck? If your still concerned i would call the vet back and let them know its not working. Good luck

    • Welcome to Shar Pei Land! Shar Pei's are one of the most high maintenance dogs as far as skin issues go.Most importanly, it will help a whole lot if you feed a really good natural dog food. Check this site: dogfoodanalysis.com.Stay away from any over the counter flea meds. Use only veterinary stuff & never combine flea product.Invest in a really good oatmeal shampoo & bathe approx. once a month.Use a hypoallergenic sunblock if your dog is in the sun for extended periodsAdd a fish oil supplement to your dog's diet.Wipe the folds of your dog's face & the inside of the ears with a damp cloth daily. Thoroughly flush & clean out the ears at least weekly.Good luck!PS. Even if the fleas are gone, the bites will be itchy for several days.