Should I get rid of my puppy?

K so I got a puppy about a month ago n my ass of a landlord said we can't keep him. I was trying to keep the pup anyway secretly but he's lacking exercise and proper housebreaking as I can't spend a lot of time outside because our landlord drives by…

    Should I get rid of my puppy?

    K so I got a puppy about a month ago n my ass of a landlord said we can't keep him. I was trying to keep the pup anyway secretly but he's lacking exercise and proper housebreaking as I can't spend a lot of time outside because our landlord drives by…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should I get rid of my puppy?...

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    • Should I get rid of my puppy?

      Should I get rid of my puppy? General Dog Discussions
      K so I got a puppy about a month ago n my ass of a landlord said we can't keep him. I was trying to keep the pup anyway secretly but he's lacking exercise and proper housebreaking as I can't spend a lot of time outside because our landlord drives by constantly. I found a girl on Craigslist who seems excited about him but somehow she talked my re homing fee of $100 with the $50 worth of stuff and his shots that cost me $56 down to free. I just wanted him to have a good home. But she showed me vet papers for her other dog and she seems to be an OK person but very annoying with the emails. 15 in just 1 hour. Also she tried to get me to drive 45 mins to take him to her which I said no then she wanted to pic him up at 11:00 tonight. Its a little ridiculous. Any who, I actually have 2 questions, I really really don't want to let him go, we'll be moving in just 2 months but I'm not 100% sure on that. I'm attached to him and so is he to me, and he just makes me a lot happier all around. So what would you do? Keep him secretly or let him go? Other question, is this girl a psycho? Should I give him to her? God, I have no idea what to do.. plz help :( By the way, he's a little Chihuahua mixOkay let me add, we got the pup in confidence our landlord would be okay with it. Its not on the lease and he allowed us to keep HIS cat. She stayed around our house til we eventually just let her come in. It's not like hes against dogs either because he has his own but imo he just wants to pick out our pets.

      Should I get rid of my puppy?

      Should I get rid of my puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • I would interview anyone before giving away your puppy because you honestly don't know the person, they could end up abusing or abadoning the puppy. Perhaps give the puppy to a family member who doesn't live in your apartment, plus, you have to do what's best for the puppy such as giving them esstentials that they need to be happy and healthy, such as excercise and proper housebreaking like you mentioned

    • Didn't you ask your landlord if you could have dogs before purchasing the pup?Keeping him secretly could end up with you/your family being evicted.Surrender the dog to a rescue-you could even look for a chihuahua rescue and see if they will take him. Once you surrender him, you can email the girl and let her know what rescue he is at if she's still interested in him. I doubt she's psycho, she could just really want him. The best thing to do for the dog, if you care about where he goes, is to surrender him to a rescue.

    • well you said your dog is lacking exercise well can't you just take him to a park or somewhere you dog can run, play, be a dog why do you have to be outside your place there is a lot of places to take a dog and you said you might get another place in 2 months I can tell you I got real close to my puppy in a month also I've had him quit awail and I would never give him away I would find another place to live

    • A chihuahua mix should be quite small. I think if you invest in something harmless but effective to keep barking at a minimum should be fine (if he barks) and potty training indoors would be great as well. Buying a pee pad for my aunt's small Pomeranian was great. He goes on the paper pad in the hall and doesn't need grass. He actually prefers that instead of outside. But training would be necessary. I think you should keep him, and work on behaviour methods, as well as researching ways to fix your puppy's problems would keep him out of sight until you have to leave your apartment/house from your landlord. From what you said, it doesn't sound long at all. Keeping him at a friend's could also be great. Play time is the most effective way to exercise as well as entertain and bond with any pet. Buy if you don't already own some small toys and play with him. Get rough and toss him around, make him run down the halls for the toy, make him so tired he pants with a lolling tongue. Then he will sleep. I don't have time to walk my dog, I either get someone else to do it, or play in the mornings very viperous for twenty minutes or so and he's pooped out. Places like Pet Smart has doggy day care and he will come home exhausted from playing with dogs his own size. Your landlord shouldn't notice unless he is quiet, and maybe putting him in a crate/cage would keep him from getting into trouble if he doesn't already.I think the lady you are contacting sounds nice, but I would get to know her first. Go to her house and see how she keeps her dogs, and how she treats them and her home environment is. And if she's persistent she may just be really nervous. She may even think you're cheating her like you think she's not being honest. She may think you're giving her a dog she doesn't want and she wants to know exact information, and all that jazz. I would talk and get to know her more before thinking about giving my pup away. And be careful when hiding your puppy. Don't want him to be the reason you're homeless. But why don't you talk to your landlord nicely, and tell him it will only be for a short time and he will not be outside too much, and will be picked up after and everything. Try to ask if you could keep him even if it means the rent goes up a bit. You're not staying there long right?

    • Sorry to say but you all can get kicked out if you’re caught. Then no one will have a home. Your pup should be taken to Action for Animals or any NO kill shelters. He'll go to a great home. It is so hard to do but so wonderful for the puppy. Stay away from Craigslist dealing with any animals. There are many people using Craig’s list to acquire "bait dogs". Which is a dog found for free or cheap and used to train illegal fighting dogs.....Don’t trust Craig’s list with pets....Keeping him secret is a bad thing for your pup and he will grow up with many agression issues. Your pup needs to be around as many people and other dogs (pets) as possible. This is important!!!!You are actually hurting the pup by keeping him......Forget the money and take him to a shelter........Keep any stuff you have and someday you'll have another pup...or give it to the shelter to go with your puppy...Sorry and take care

    • Give your dog to a family member or friend who can look after him for the two months you are living there! Visit him lots, offer to pay for food, vet bills, toys etc. If you can't do this for some reason keep him inside, he is a chihuahua they can live inside with not much exercise just walk him at a park far away from where you live like a park or around a friends block! This girl sounds a little strange and I don't believe you should give your chihuahua (very expensive dogs) for free even though its a mix! She sounds irritating as well but then again she might just be really excited for your dog, which is good! I wouldn't give her away if I was you :) oh and for the house breaking thing! By pee pads or like a kitty litter thing but for dogs (they exist ahaha) just google it :)Good luck :)!

    • If you are moving in two months, could you room your puppy with a relative or a friend, and visit it a lot? If it turns out you are not moving, then you could make other arrangements. I wouldn't give it to anyone, simply because i wouldn't want to give a way a puppy! I would look into this course of action, because you may find a friend or family member would be perfectly happy to help you out for a couple of weeks, especially since it is a little dog, not a Doberman or something, and also because it is a puppy.