how to teach my puppy not to pee and pooh in the house?

I take him out every 2 hours but he keeps doing it. by the way he is a schnauzer

    how to teach my puppy not to pee and pooh in the house?

    I take him out every 2 hours but he keeps doing it. by the way he is a schnauzer...
    General Dog Discussions : how to teach my puppy not to pee and pooh in the house?...

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    • how to teach my puppy not to pee and pooh in the house?

      how to teach my puppy not to pee and pooh in the house? General Dog Discussions
      I take him out every 2 hours but he keeps doing it. by the way he is a schnauzer

      how to teach my puppy not to pee and pooh in the house?

      how to teach my puppy not to pee and pooh in the house? General Dog Discussions
    • I would get a small crate and put him in there when in the house until he gets it. Whenever he eats, drinks, or wakes up, use the phrase like "go potti". If he goes, praise and reward...if you catch him in the act, say your phrase while taking outside. But I would use a crate, he won't go in there. Good luck

    • Every tune after he eats, take him out. I would reccomend every one hour. Crate training is also a very good idea. The best way is the be persistant and maybe even make a chart.NEVER rub your dogs nose in its mess. This will just worsen the problem ten fold and result in an unhappy and nervous dog. Do not punish the dog either. Just take him straight outside and praise him alot when he does.Good luck!

    • Your going to have to take him out more often, for a new puppy every 2 hours is to long for them to hold it. Also watching him and his behavior, if he begins to sniff around take him straight outside. I'm not sure on the exact story behind this but my family is famous for house training their dogs by hanging a small bell from the door knob of the door they took the dogs outside from. Everytime they took the pup to the door they would take the dogs paw and hit the bell, sooner or later the dogs learned to hit the bell to go outside instead of barking. I've done it for every dog I've ever had, its just a neat way for the dog to let you know that it has to go outside (I'm currently working on them hitting a doorbell to come inside, so far so good). It does however take a couple weeks of constant taking them outside every hour for them not to have accidents inside the house. Taking your pup outside more often is definitely the answer.

    • no don'tt listen to that guy, that would be cruelty towards your puppy. he is only a puppy after raise a puppy you need to have patience.they usually go after they have eaten or slept. so after a meal or when they wake up, u must take it outside and as soon as it starts to "go" you must say something like "wee boy" etc. then reward it with a will soon associate going outside to do its job with treats and praises. if he does it inside, immediately and firmly so "NO" and take him outside and close the door. do not hit him ! it wont help at all and will only make him either a timid dog or an aggressiveive dog.

    • Rubbing the dogs nose in it is barbaric... its the old school of thought, something people did back in the 1970's when there was less understanding of how dogs learn. You need to keep a closer eye on your puppy. How old is he anyway? How many weeks? Take him out on the hour every hour, reward and praise when he goes outside... make sure you clean up mistakes in the house really well, use a biological washing powered. If traces remain your dog will keep going back to the same place. I will paste in a link to some very helpful advice on how to house train (without being barbaric and abusive) Leaflet here - to doBefore starting the new routineCarefully clean all areas your dog has previously soiled using a warm solution of biological washing powder (for example, a teaspoon of powder dissolved in a cup of warm water) or a specially formulated product from your vet, which will remove all traces of the smell from your house.Every dayWhen you first wake up, last thing at night and every hour during the day, take your dog outside to a place in your garden that you have chosen and let your dog walk up and down or run about and sniff the area (both exercise and sniffing helps stimulate elimination).Put soiled newspaper or faeces in this area so that the smell tells your dog where to go next time. Stay out with your dog and patiently walk up and down for at least five minutes. If your dog starts to go to the toilet, give praise. It is important that, for the first two weeks, there is constant supervision so that your dog cannot go to the toilet in the house.During the times that you cannot supervise your dog or when you go to sleep, confine the dog to bed. You need to find a suitable way to do this, either by restricting them to bed with a barrier, or investing in an indoor kennel. A dog will become accustomed to this, without making a noise or trying to break out, when left there for short periods of time.Few dogs soil their own bed and, if confined to bed, they are unlikely to relieve themselves. Although it is unfair to confine them for long periods, this does provide a way of preventing them from soiling the house for short periods when you cannot supervise. This avoids perpetuating bad habits at times when you need to concentrate on other things.Between trips to the garden, supervise your dog continually when in the house. This means keeping your dog in view at all times and being aware of what the dog is doing. When unable to supervise, confine them to bed, but do not leave your dog there for long periods of time.When you see your dog about to toilet in the houseIf about to go to the toilet indoors, take your dog immediately to your chosen place in the garden and praise the dog by giving a food treat or a game with a favourite toy. It is essential your dog associates going to that place with a reward. Catching in time means your dog will still need to go. Wait until the dog has performed and praise well.When you find a puddle or messDo not punish your dog for any “accidents” discovered too late. It may make you feel better but it is most unpleasant for your dog and ultimately does not teach anything. Consider that these accidents are now your fault rather than the dog’s since you were not supervising closely enough.You need to continue with this routine for at least two weeks. During this time, your dog learns about getting praise for going to the toilet outside and, since there is no chance to go inside, the habit of going outside develops. Throughout these first two weeks and for a while afterwards, continue to go out with your pet to the garden in order to praise them until the training is firmly established in your dog’s mind.After two weeks of the above routine, gradually increase the time between visits to the garden. Your dog will eventually want to go to the toilet at a time other than the one you select. At this time, your dog will probably become more active or may wander over to the door. Watch for a change in behaviour and take the dog out quickly. Gradually, as you begin to be able to recognise the signs that mean your dog needs to go, you can relax your supervision in the house.Specific signals that indicate that your dog wants to go out may include running to the door, whining or just being generally restless. Reinforce these signals by letting your dog out and the dog will soon be asking to go out whenever the toilet is needed. House training will happen more easily if you keep to the same pattern of feeding and exercising each day.

    • When your dog pees or poops in a place, when you clean it put something chili like hot sauce then make him smell it. He wont pee or poo there again. Keep doing that when he poops or pees somewhere else. Then, the dog wont find a place to poo or pee in, so he will go to the door and make sounds so you can make him pee or poo out of the house. This is the best way to teach a dog to "DO IT" out of the house :D!!

    • it is the main problem of peoples which have puppies for first time.when you give your dog something to eat or drink take him outside immedeitly.if he dont do that, take him out after 1 hour.he will do.when he poo inside just pull his ears not by day he will thinking that it is not good idea to pee inside.he will always want that place where he always pee.its the experiment which i have done.this will help i am completly sureeeeeeeeee

    • bring him outside to walk regularly and when he uses it outside give him praise and a treat, whatever that may be like a dog treat or his favorite toy. if he's young it could take a little bit so get some puppy pads for the floors