My 10 year old dog keeps wetting her bed?

I have had her for a little over 4 years now after having her from people that were over breeding her and for the past couple of weeks she has been wetting the bed but only at night. Through the day she is let out regularly and asks to go out there have…

    My 10 year old dog keeps wetting her bed?

    I have had her for a little over 4 years now after having her from people that were over breeding her and for the past couple of weeks she has been wetting the bed but only at night. Through the day she is let out regularly and asks to go out there have…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 10 year old dog keeps wetting her bed?...

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    • My 10 year old dog keeps wetting her bed?

      My 10 year old dog keeps wetting her bed? General Dog Discussions
      I have had her for a little over 4 years now after having her from people that were over breeding her and for the past couple of weeks she has been wetting the bed but only at night. Through the day she is let out regularly and asks to go out there have been no recent changes to the house hold is it just because shes getting old? can anybody help please

      My 10 year old dog keeps wetting her bed?

      My 10 year old dog keeps wetting her bed? General Dog Discussions
    • I think it is becaue she is getting old. My dog died this year at the age of 13 and he would never pee anywhere in the house during the day, but at night he would. Its weird though because my mom would let him out at around 10 and then again at 1ish and again at 5ish. He would wake her up with whinning. But you might want to take her to the vet to see if it is something else. ~Hope I helped!

    • There are a few different things that can cause incontinence.If she has had a few litters then she is more likely to suffer from incontinence because things are a bit... well, more loose down there.You can certainly talk to your vet about this. I have a 3 year old dog with bad spay incontinence, I had her on estrogen tablets for about 6 months and she doesn't have any issues now- she hasn't had any tablets in about 6 months!Other causes of bed wetting include reactions to medication, UTIs, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc.To me it sounds like incontinence, which normally happens when your dog is sleeping, muscles relax & fluids leak out...

    • because she was over breaded it is possible her bladder could of got affected i recommend taking her to a vet to make sure that it is nothing to serious like and infection or disease. but she possible could just be getting up their in age.

    • your best choice is to run her in for a vet check. with the info you posted about her being bred, her age and I'm going to assume you've had her spayed. It could very well be spay incontinance. but there are alot of other options such as diabetes, thyroid problems, simple old age, UTI's or neurologic are only some possibilities.As for what to do for now? put puppy pads in her bedding. if the vet isnt a option, invest in a doggie diaper for her to wear at night - dont buy the pet liners a human maxi pad cut to size works better and is cheeper- they make " stay dry beds" you can google them online..